Chapter 20 - Killing my First Dragon

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(A/N: I finally figured out a route that I would like the story to progress towards, so if you have any ideas about what you would like to see in the story, let me know now before it's too late. Also I am unpublishing 'Birth of a Reaper' to rework on it, so please look forward to how it comes out when I redo it.)


Walking through the forest, we didn't encounter too many monsters. They've probably left from fear that the dragon might attack them.

Shortly after we finished killing a horned rabbit, a loud roar could be heard. It was so intense that I could actually feel the ground beneath me tremble. When the roar ended, the entire forest was silent. Not one living creature could be found inside the forest, aside from one Fox Beastman and his Vampire companion.

I looked over to Sana, and signaled to her that we should proceed carefully and quietly. With that, I kept my hand on Noroi, ready to unsheathe her at any moment.

We weren't informed about how big the dragon was, but from the sound of the roar I can assume that it must be pretty massive. Which begs the question, how the hell have we not seen it yet?

I tried tracking the dragon by scent and sound, but I didn't know what dragons smelled like so I had to give up on scent. Then when I was trying to listen for any movements, I just couldn't get a beat on him. Even with the forest as quiet as it is now, I still could not find anything to help me track the dragons movements.

Then it came to me...Aiko-sama sent me a gift after my first 'Battle to the Death' I don't know what the name of the item is, but I do know they were a pair of headphones that has a function to boost my hearing. Opening my 'Item Box' I pulled out the red and black headphones that were gifted to me.

I wasn't sure how they were going to work since my ears were growing on the top of my head, but perhaps the effect just comes when I put it on my head. While thinking about this, I put the headphones on my head covering the area where my human ears would have been before.

It felt quite awkward, since the spot they were covering had nothing there. Still I wore them, then tried focusing on activating the ability of the headphones, but I didn't feel any different so I tried channeling my mana into the headphones.

I pictured my mana flowing up my body and towards the area where human ears would have been located. After a couple minutes of trying this, I realized I was actually able to hear everything more clearly. Realizing that the headphones were working, I tried adjusting it so that I could figure out where the dragon might be located.

It took longer than when I tried making the headphones work, but I was finally able to hear the sound of a large creature stomping around. It was difficult to figure out which direction it was coming from so I tried acting like a compass, turning my body trying to see if the stomping was louder if I faced a certain direction.

It was just a theory based on some puzzle games that I played back on earth, and I wasn't quite sure if it would work. I was proven wrong, maybe because it was the function put into the item, or perhaps because I pictured that it would work this way. When I faced a certain direction that as just slightly off to the side from the mountain, I heard the stomping louder and more clearly.

After taking the headphones down so that they were hanging by my neck, I gave a hand-signal to Sana so she knew that I found the dragon. I would have told her but we still needed to be proceed cautiously since there's no telling how strong the dragon is.

From what I could decipher out of Sana, on the way here, a dragon only gets more powerful the older it gets, and shortly before its life runs out, they go into a momentary state of rage. During this time of rage, a dragon gets many times more powerful. They become faster, stronger, and their breath attacks gain an increased output. However, as a trade off for the increase of power, they end up losing their rationality.

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