Chapter 31 - Fighting? a God

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We were standing outside of a standard looking house. At the front door, stood a god who went by the name of Kami. To his right and left were Archangels, and in front of the house there were two more gods. There was some heavy tension in the air as Aiko-sama and Kami were staring down at each other.

"Please excuse us Archangels..." (Kami)

He spoke in a low voice, and after he gave his order, the Archangels bowed to him, then bowed in our direction, and flew off back down the cloudy path.

"Well then...what a surprise. It seems that you've finally found me then Akio. However, I don't think I'm familiar with this boy beside you." (Kami)

"That's right, and it's time for you to answer for disrupting the flow of your world. This is...Aros, and he is one of the strongest gods in all of existence. He doesn't like how you've been messing with the system of this world." (Aiko)

Jeez, seriously Aiko-sama? Why'd you have to introduce me in that makes me feel embarrassed having the goddess who reincarnated me, saying that I'm one of the strongest gods. I could live for thousands of years, but I don't think I'll ever get over how weird it feels to have her talk about me in such a way.

"Oh really now? What are you going to do about it then? Mortals have convinced themselves that I am the god of all of creation. My power continues to grow, so I doubt the two of you could do anything to harm me." (Kami)

His attitude was seriously ticking me off. I don't like people who think they can walk all over me. Although, if a God's power grows from a person's beliefs, then that means the people who use the system are all my followers right? And this Kami fellow only has his followers on this one planet...I think it's time to take this guy to school and teach him a lesson. It may be seen as bad manners, playing with your food, but I think it's time to toy with him.

"That's a lot of big talk, coming from a backwoods God that only rules over a single world." (Sora)

"Watch your tongue, boy. I am more powerful than you could ever believe." (Kami)

"Ah, of course. You had around 7 billion humans living on Earth right? Did you think that by forcibly advancing the level of your world, that you would somehow gain more followers from the new races? You understand they have their own gods that they believe in right?" (Sora)

Now, I could see his face turning red with anger. This is good, let's keep pushing him.

"Of course, I doubt you thought that through. I mean, look how shabby this heaven is! I know that everyone is put into the cycle of reincarnation, but I still pity Earth for having a Heaven like this." (Sora)

When I looked back at him, his hand was extended towards me, and I could see some light gathering in his palm. Good, it seems I got him mad enough to start fighting in an angry rage.

"For your insolence, I will make you experience my true strength!" (Kami)

He was ready to attack me, and I just realized that I have no idea how I'll defend myself. I just got my power but I should have done some training while we looked for him. Then, it hit me. I disabled a setting because I didn't want to know everything with a single thought, but if I activate it now and think about the best way to counter his attack. Yes, it should theory.

With my decision settled, I quickly activated the setting in my menu 'Omniscient' and started calculating different ways to counter his attack and strike back.

As it turns out, the attack he's using is just highly concentrated Mana. Which means it wouldn't be too difficult to fend it off when he fires it at me. So, taking the proper precautions, I set up special barriers. Blocking magic, dispelling magic, erasing magic, and some special barriers I added along with them so that they could combat his divine power.

Transferred to the other world of AuralelOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora