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Mentions of death and blood. I really am not sure on what I should label as trigger warning for there are so many triggers. So just to be safe, I'm doing what I think people would want to be warned about

A monster like never before stood before Tony, Peter and the avengers,
In an instinct the duo pressed the reactors on their chests and waited as the iron suits covered their bodies.
The monster laughed at them both, flicking his wrist slightly.
Before Peter could react to his senses he was blown off his feet and into a building beside him. Tony's faint screams were muffled by Peters gut retching cries of agony as a long metal pole pierced the middle of his stomach.
Tony hopped inside the building and stepped over the rubble towards Peter.
"Oh fuck, god dammit! Peter are you ok-"
The pole poked Tony in the chest as he walked into it, stunned into silence he followed the pole down until it connected with Peters stomach. And then did he let out a shriek and scramble towards peter who was now having a very hard time keeping his eyes open.

"Ok! Peter stay awake for me!" Yelled Tony as he handled the blood that gushes from Peters wound.
Pained groans escaped his lips whenever Tony touched around the wound

He needed to keep Peter alive while he...
"Tell me everything you see!"
Peters eyes moved lazily to and fro.
Tony nodded and pulled out his lazer,
"Keep going,"
"More blood,"
"That's the same thing peter, name different things." Pleaded Tony as he quickly worked on cutting he pole down.
"That's it, keep going"
The pole broke and hit the ground with a satisfying clunk,
Tony the sat himself in front of Peter and gripped his shoulders.
"Wood,"  he mumbled, clearly fighting, but clearly losing.
"This is going to hurt like a bitch" said Tony looking peter in the eyes. He almost flinched at them, they were filled with pain, and exhaustion.
"I-I'll count,"
Peter nodded lazily,
"Black dots"
Tony placed his feet right and held peter tighter,
"3-!" He Yelled And he yanked forward, he was soon cut off by horrible screams.
Peter writhed in Tony's arms, his blood drenching his suit.
"Losing to much blood-"  he muttered frantically,
"It was a miracle the boy was even conscious now,"
Must be the enhanced healing

Screams could be heard from outside the building, but all that didn't matter to Tony right now.
Peter was dying in his hands, he needed help.

"Bruce!" Shouted Tony into his ear piece,
"What!" Bruce shouted back,
"Come to the building beside the store!"
"Yes right fucking now, Peter's dying!"
He shouted impatiently,
Peter moaned quietly, Tony bent down towards his face.

"It's gonna be alright Peter, I swear."
Tony place his hand on the wound to somehow stop the bleeding, In return Peter let out a sob, he was shaking violently and his eyes were rolling to the back of his head.

"Come on Peter please stay with me, name the things you can smell."

"Iron," peter answered dangerously quiet.
"Come on Peter eyes open!" Shouted Tony, tears streaming from his eyes.

Where is Bruce!

"Mold-" whispered Peter before rendering unconscious, Tony screamed at Peter to wake up.
But he was doing nothing of that sort, Peters breaths came dangerously shallow and seemed to be slowly down by the second.

"Bruce is knocked out! We aren't going to win this fight! We need to retreat!"
Shouted Natasha from his ear piece.
Tony's blood ran cold.

Peter wasn't going to make it out of this alive,

"Tasha! Peter! It's peter he can't-" screamed Tony before broke down in sobs as Peters chest stopped rising in synch to his breath.

"Peter? Where are you!" Screamed Natasha,
"The building with the big fucking hole in it!"
Screeched Tony as he dropped his head to Peter's chest for a heart beat.
When hearing nothing, Tony began a very sloppy CPR,
"Oh god, oh god." Sobbed Tony,

Minutes of CPR motions rendered useless,
Peter was dead before Natasha could even get in the building. But when she did all she saw was tony sobbing uncontrollably while clutching Peters body,

Natasha nearly broke down there, but she had to stay strong. She led Tony back to the ship, Peter was still in Tony's arms and he refused to set him down or let anyone else take him.

After all,
He felt as if he was to blame for Peters death.

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