The good stuff

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Just some sort of fluff I guess, no warnings. The beginning is about how bad it's gonna get

Tony sat in the waiting room at the hospital in queens, Peter had just got called in for surgery.
He had at least 4 bullets embedded in him, apparently he was shot 4 times and thought he could fix it himself. All he did was patch up the wound, he didn't even bother checking for the bullets.
And after hours of Tony screaming and threatening that he would drag him to the hospital if Peter didn't go willingly, Peter agreed. Though he didn't forget to give Tony the meanest glare he could produce when he was rolled out for surgery.

Tony didn't want to admit he was nervous for the kid, he didnt know how long the bullets were in there, he didn't know how long they were going to keep him in there, he didn't know if Peter was going to die.
Of course he couldn't express his concerns for he was the reason Peter was in here.
He was going to do the surgery in the compound but Bruce was busy and Tony wasn't exactly handy with a needle and would panic if the boy woke up during the surgery...
Oh god, what if Peter woke up? He should be in there comforting him. He'll even put on the damn blue night gown shit if he could just be by Peter.

"Mr.Stark?" Called a nurse while looking at a clipboard to see if she said the name right.
Tony practically ran up to the nurse,
"Yes? How's Peter?" He asked desperately.

The nurse stared at Tony Stark struck before clearing her voice and flipping through her notes again.

"The surgery went well,"
Tony visibly sagged with relief,

"But the medicine has not worn off yet, would you like to go see him?"

"Yes! What room?"
The nurse smiled and pointed down the hall behind her,
"Down this hall and to the left, he should be in room 114,"

"Thank you," Tony said not really listening to her anymore as he took off down the hall. A sharp turn later Tony burst into Peters room.

Like the nice nurse had told him, Peter was asleep on the white bed hooked up to a bunch of machines.

Tony pulled up a chair to the side of Peters bed and collapsed into it, breathing heavily.

Is all he said, he ran his hand through Peters brown curls muttering to himself.
Minutes soon turned into hours, Tony soon became impatient.
No ones makes him wait,
No one...?
Peter groaned as he turned over and faces Tony,
With an excited shriek Tony jumped from his chair and peered down at Peter.
Peter giggled, and tony leaned back a bit.
"Wheezy petey" he said his eyes fluttering open.
Tony frowned,
"Uh, what Peter?"

Peter looked at Tony
"McDonald has a friend named Wheezy Petey, he's very funny." He deadpanned

Tony stared,

"Im sirsty," peter slurred as he sat up,
Tony went to push him down,
"Your fingers are really big," peter pointed out, still slurring.
Tony hesitated,

Peter flopped down in which he gasped painfully.

Tony merely rolled his eyes, quite offended my Peters previous comment.

"Peter how are you feeling?"
Asked a nurse as she pushed open the door
"Like I'm flying,"
"Great!" She responded, Tony stared at her.

"The medicine is still in his system,"
"I figured"
Tony discreetly pulled his phone out of his pocket.

"Why are we on a boat?" Asked peter looking around the room his face contorted in confusion.
"Uh, peter. We aren't on a boat." Replied Tony his amusement laid thcik in his voice
"Don't lie to my face, I have a little lie detector in my head called my spidey-"

"Yep! Cool wow, how bout another time?" Said Tony a little louder than normal.
It was silent for a few moments as the nurse scribbled some notes down on her clip board.
"Tony," asked peter
"Yes peter"
"...I think I'm high,"
The nurse just laughed.
"I'm on the good stuff Tony, what some?"
He then proceeded to take the IV out of his wrist in which the nurse scrambled to him just before he pulled it out.
"The good stuff is just for you,"
She said while Tony laughed behind her.

"I didn't spend a whole year in kindergarten learning about sharing only to be rejected when the time Came" Peter slurred pointing an accusing finger at the nurse.

Tony howled with laughter,

Peter turned to him,
"What's so funny?"
Tony choked back a laugh and squeaked,

Peter nodded, muttering underneath his breath as he turned away. Tony couldn't contain his laughter and Peter scowled.
The nurse was typing on the computer and quickly left.

"It's the witch doctor," peter slurred falling unconscious again.
Tony wiped away stray tears from his face setting down his phone.

"Peter is going to love this,"
"No, NO! I'm NOT going to watch it!" Shouted peter storming away from Tony.
"Come on! Don't be a part pooper just watch the phone!" Laughed Tony from the kitchen.
"NO!" Shouted Peter once more as he slammed his door shut.
Tony shrugged and turned the phone to himself, playing the video once more.

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