Back off, i earned this

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Ok, so I have no idea how long these have been sitting in my drafts, but here ya go :)

"Good job today Underoos," Tony
smiled, clamping a hand affectionately on Peters shoulder.
"Thank you Mr.Stark!" Peter cheered back, bouncing on the balls of his feet.

"What have I said about you calling me Mr.Stark-" started Tony raising an eyebrow at Peter,

"That it makes you feel old, so I don't see the problem." Peter chimed in.

Tony scoffed and rolled his eyes, this kid was going to be the death of him.

"Anyways, since you did so well today I thought you could get a prize..." Tony sighed slowly,
"But since you called me old-"

"I'm sorry! I didn't mean it! You look younger than me! What grey hair? I don't see any grey hair." Rambled Peter,
Tony laughed,
"That's more like it,"
He reached into his pocket and pulled out an Ironman sticker that said
'Good job!'
He handed it to Peter,
"If you keep up the compliments there will be more of those,"
Peter took the sticker shocked,
" A sticker?" He said trying to mask the disappointment,
"Thank you Tony," peter quickly added, Aunt May always taught him to be grateful.
Peter looked down at his prize, it was his.
"If you don't want it I can take it back-" Tony said while reaching towards the sticker.
Peter turned away from him, shielding the sticker.
"Back off, I earned this."
Tony couldn't help but laugh at the fiery look in Peters eyes.
"Ok ok, it's yours. You earned it."

Peter smiled triumphantly.

Irondad and Spiderson One-shotsDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora