When all is gone, whats to look for

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ahhhh hi guys, how's it going. i've forgotten how fun it was to write, i had been looking for a story kinda along the lines of this, but i couldn't find it and so i was like, "lemme see if i can"

half the quotes aren't from me but directly from the movie endgame and I will not take credit for it!

"World governments are in pieces," Natasha whispered , defeat heavy in her tone." The parts that are still working are trying to take a census,"

Steve leaned himself against a wooden desk with his arms folded and his face bowed towards the ground, but Tony could still see his face that was pinched into an expression some would mistake for physical pain. But the genius knew better, everyone else was plagued with the guilt the blonde felt.

Thor was no better, separating himself from the group entirely opting to sit as far as he possibley can away, the upper half of his body seemingly given up and resting his elbows onto his knees. his eyes heavily glazed over it was clear he could not hear Natasha, or anyone outside of his own head.

"and it looks like he did.." the assassin took a deep breath, "it looks like he said exactly what he said he was gonna do,"

Carol's mouth parted slightly in a mixture of shock and grief as she saw Fury flicker across the same screen Tony had been staring at since the moment he had been rolled into the stupid meeting-

"Thanos wiped out, 50% of all.. living creatures"

Tony knew he should look away from the screen, he knew it was doing him no better to watch the people he had failed flash across the screen after second. But he couldn't will himself to look away, he was looking for someone, a confirmation that he was really gone despite having already seen him dust before his own eyes, and in his own arms-

he watched as Falcon flashed across, he had never met the man personally, but he knew Steve held him a in a high regard. In the past that could have meant something to Tony, but now it just left a bitter taste in his mouth.

Then Ant-man flashed by, another one of Steve's, he specifically remembered this guy knocking Peter into a pile of crates. A frown tugged his lips downward at the mere thought of the teen, despite being stuck in space for god knows how long, the wound was still as fresh as ever.

and it hurt

Then the "Winter Soilder", he rubbed at the Iv on his arm absentmindedly, he had not forgotten about Siberia-

and then there he was

Peter's picture flashed across the screen and Tony couldn't breath, the guilt and horror he had felt on Titan had returned full blast, and it stayed that way till Rhodey placed a hand on his thin shoulder and with his other, clicked on the keyboard in front of him and suddenly Peter was gone.

Tony's eyes flickered to Natasha, he hadn't noticed that she had fell quiet until the emotion in the room became too thick for Tony to handle right now-

"Where is he now? where?" he asked to no one In particular, he needed an answer and he didn't care from who it came from. They needed to get on this, they needed to track him down so they could get those stupid space rocks back and reverse whatever the fuck Thanos did.

He wanted Peter back, he wanted his son back. Sitting here crying and whining would not make the process faster by any means.

"We don't know," Tony turned to look at Steve, who was still leaning onto a desk with his face hidden from the genius. When he looked up Tony no longer saw the pitched expression of pain he had whitnessed moments before but a cold stone expression. Despite Tony's strong dislike of the man, he couldn't help but be thankful that at least someone else was on the same page as him.

Irondad and Spiderson One-shotsTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon