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"You graduated from college so now your going to be a surgeon Aaleiah!!" My brother said. "Yup isn't that amazing!!" "Its so amazing Aaleiah!!" My sister Elizabeth said. "You guys have gotten so big on me already..." " Yeah well are bus is coming we gotta go love ya!" " Love ya too guys!!See you when u get home from school!!" I hug them and they get on the bus.

Aaleiah's POV.

I walked into my house.

My mom, my gran and older sister were all in the living room watching T.V.

I snuck into the living room.

"I'm home!!" I scream and they jump up and run to me and hugged me.

"Oh my gosh when did you get here!!" They ask.

"I got here last night around 12:00." I say.

"Us three were up talking about surprising you today!" Gram says.

"But instead I surprised you guys! Eric and Elizabeth have gotten so big!" I say.

"Yeah they are 14 and 16" I started tearing up.

"Oh my gosh I'm so sorry I wasn't here for their birthday parties!! I was so busy with c-c-college!" I cried. They hugged me..

"It's okay they know you were busy with college..But why are you here right now aren't you supposed to be in class" I took my diploma out of my bag that I had with me and showed them.

"When did you graduate!!" They say.

"I graduated yesterday...I sent you guys tickets before Christmas but I guess you didn't get them!" I say.

"Yeah I guess we didn't!! We are so happy!!"

"You wanna see my new car I got!!"

"Yes!!" They say.

"Its a Escalade SUV! My boyfriend got it for me. I told him not to but he did" I say.

"It's amazing Aaleiah."

My phone rings I answer.

"Hey babe what's wrong" I say.

"I was wondering when you are coming home?" Chase says.

"Im visiting my family right now. But I will come home right now if you need me, wait aren't you in class right now?"

"Well I'm graduating today at 3:00pm!" He says.

"Wait that's AWSOME I'm on my way!!" I hugged my parents and older sister and drove to my boyfriends house.

I got in and there was an envolpe on the table that had my name on it. I open it and there is six tickets and a letter saying

Dear Aaleiah,
You are invited to my graduation and your family too. I hope you guys can come!


I called Chase but he didn't answer. He's probably busy.

"Hey baby thank you so much for inviting my family to your graduation love you call me back!!" I left him a voice mall.

I grab the graduation tickets and drove to my family's house and gave five tickets to them. I went back to Chase's house and got ready.

One o'clock came around and he called me.

"Hey baby your welcome for the tickets hopefully they can come!" He said.

"Yeah hopefully!! I have you on speaker I'm just doing my hair and makeup and then I'll be to the college in 40minutes!" I said.

"Okay well I gotta go talk to you and see you at the graduation!! Love you!" He says.

"Love you too!!" I say.

Chase's POV.

Gosh I'm so nervous. I dont know what she's going to say..

"Chase stop panicking she's going to say yes she loves you!" My mother said.

"Yeah Chase she loves you!" My brother said.

"Yeah I know she loves me but I have a feeling she is gonna say no!?" All my family is already at the college. It's close to 2:40 and I'm sweating like crazy.

Than my phone rings and I pick it up

"Hey baby I'm here!" She said.

"Ok my mother is coming to get you and your family!!I gotta finish getting ready! Love you baby!" I say

"Okay love ya too babe!" She hangs up.

I get my graduation robe and hat on and the ring is safe in my pants.

Time to go.

Everyone gets called up except me.

They did me last.

"Chase Bacon has an overall score of 100%! Congratulations Chase!! That's not all. Chase has something to say!!"

Okay time to go.

I go up to the microphone.

"Okay I'm really nervous!! But I would like my beautiful girlfriend to come up here!!" I say and she looks at me and smiles.

She comes up looking nervous. I put one of my hands in the pocket that has the ring in it and I held onto the right hand of hers.

"Okay Aaleiah you are the most important beautiful and caring girlfriend that I have ever had I love you!!So much that I will do anything in the world for you!" I got down on one knee.

"Aaleiah Roberts will you do me the honor and be my wife!" She had tears in her eyes.

"Oh. of course I will!!" She starts to cry. I put the ring on her finger and kiss her. Everyone was clapping and cheering.

"I love you Chase" She said.

"I love you too fiànce!" Then we went to party at my house and me and Aaleiah went upstairs and got ready for bed and fell asleep.

A/N: This was a long chapter I love y'all so much!!Vote comment and read my other story's!!❤💝💜💛💚💙💕YOU DIRTY CHICKEN NUGGETS❤💝❤💝❤💝❤💝❤💝❤💝

EDITED: 1-27-2022

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