Chapter 16: You can't stop us now

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"What can you do?" Justin asked, pissed.

"You have no idea what I'm capable of do you? Did you know what happened to John and every other student?" she snapped.

"I don't give a shit. If you'd please step aside" he said dryly and pushed pass her. We followed his lead.

"Let go! Stop it!" We heard Angeline yell. The bitch had grabbed her by the wrist and refused to let her go.

"You want to leave here? I'll let you leave!" She yelled and pierced a knife through her chest. NO NO NO NO NO.

"What the hell is wrong with you?!?!" I yelled as tears blurred my vision. I stared at her dead body lying across the floor. The crimson red liquid flowed out continuosly. I made her come here. If she hadn't listened to me, she'll still live. The words my fault keep playing in my mind.

"You're next" she said as she approached me. I shut my eyes as I waited for the knife to go through. I know I couldn't do anything about it. It seemed like I was waiting for forever. I opened my eyes to see Marcus' body dead.

"No no no, he's not supposed to die! I am!" I choked. He sacrificed his life for mine.

"You too? Sure" she said and approached me again.

"Enough!" Justin's voice rang. "We're leaving"

"No you're not"

"We are" Justin said as he slapped the knife out of her hand and pointed the knife to her throat.

"You can't stop us now!"

A/N:- Hi, potatoes got swag. Bye :D


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