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I was sitting on the bathroom floor tears rolling down my face, with six pregnancy test all saying positive. This cant be happening. I didn't want to be a pregnant teen.

I'd been feeling sick for the last few weeks. The smell of mum cooking got to me and I was rushing for the bathroom and throwing up. I hadn't been able to keep anything down. I had massive headaches. I always felt tired, I've even started taking naps throughout the day and going to bed early.

It then took me another three weeks to work up the courage to walk into the chemist and buy the tests. I had to be sure, so I bought two boxes with three tests in each.

Looking at all the tests on the floor I wasn't sure if I had enough maybe I should have bought more.

Picking up my phone I decided to call willow and see if she could get me a few more boxes of pregnancy tests.

"hello" Willow mumbled into the phone.

"I need you now" I cried into the phone

"where are you" she asked

"Home" I said, "but I need you to go to the chemist and get me a couple of pregnancy tests."

"What? Are you serious?" Willow asked


"OK, be there soon chickee"

She hung up the phone and I was once again left with my thoughts. A baby. My baby. I was going to have a baby all by myself. I couldn't be a mother. How was I going to look after a baby when I could barely look after myself.

How the hell could I be pregnant? I know where babies come from and how they are made but I haven't had sex with anyone in about nine months and I couldn't be that far along, or I'd be showing and probably already be holding a baby. But if these tests are right I was gonna have a baby in the future.

So, who the bloody hell did I have sex with and when? Who was the baby daddy?

The bath room door burst open, Willow and Jacob stood in the door way.

"I got the tests for you" Willow said her eyes roaming the bathroom floor around me.

Jacob sat down on one side, while Willow sat on my other side.

"It's gonna be ok" Willow said.

I just shook my head and burst into tears again.

"I can't be pregnant" I wailed wiping the tears running down my cheeks "I'll do the rest of these test. Maybe they are just false positives.

"I think we should see the doctor. Find out for sure" Jacob said rubbing his hand up and down my back.

"I think that's a good idea Cindy" Willow agreed with Jacob.

I couldn't find my words, so I just nodded my head.

"How far along do you think you'd be" Jacob asked.

"I don't know" I wailed again "I don't even know who the father would be"

"What do you mean you don't know who the father is?" Willow asked

"I lost my virginity nine months and I only slept with him three times. Then shit went down, and I haven't slept with anyone since"

"but you think your pregnant why?" Jacob asked

"I've been sick and really tired, and I googled the symptoms and pregnancy was the first one that came up"

"I'll make an appointment with a doctor for you" Jacob said jumping up and leaving the room.

"How can I be a mum Willow" I said sobbing

"We're gonna be here for you the whole way. I promise"

We sat in silence. Me crying and Willow doing her best to comfort me by hold me and running her hands down my back.

Jacob came back into the room "ok we got an appointment in an hour. Lucky for us they had a cancellation." Putting his phone back in his pocket "come on get up shower and get dressed" he said pulling me up from the floor.

"Thankyou" I said hugging them both.


We were sitting in the doctor's surgery waiting to be seen. Willow on one side and Jacob on the other. I was so nervous. I wanted to jump up and run out of the building, but I had to find out for sure.

"Cynthia Southwell" the doctor called.

I made my way down the hallway following Dr Clarke into the room she stood waiting at. I took a seat next to the desk. Willow and Jacob sitting in chairs beside me.

"Cynthia how may I help you today?" Dr Clarke asked.

"I think I'm pregnant"

"Why do you think your pregnant?"

"I haven't had a period for two months, I've been throwing up a lot, I have headaches, and I'm tired all the time"

"Ok then" she said getting up and going to a cupboard across the room "I'd like you to take this and go into the bathroom in the hall" she said handing me a specimen jar "pee a little in it enough to do a test and bring it back to me"

Walking into the bathroom I sat down and unscrewed the lid off the jar. How the hell am I gonna pee in this without peeing all over my hand. I didn't even really have to pee that bad. I can do this focus. Waterfall rushing down. Rain falling. I stood lent over and turned the tap on.

After a couple of minutes, I managed to pee in the specimen jar. I put the lid back on. Wiped, flushed and stood up washing my hands. I wrapped the jar in a paper hand tail and walked back to the Drs room.

I handed the specimen jar over "Thankyou she said" and she went over to the sink putting gloves on she used some strips to do the testing. Washing her hands.

"Ok Cynthia" she said coming back and sitting at her desk. "it looks like you are in fact pregnant" she slicked a few things on the computer "I'd like you to get a blood test done today" she said handing me a bit of paper.


"Once the blood test come back we should know roughly how far along you are. I'll give you a call when the result come in ok Cynthia"

"Ok thankyou Dr Clarke"

"I'll be seeing you soon Cynthia"

We left the doctors surgery and made our way to the hospital. We walked into pathology and seen the lady at the desk she got me to sign the paperwork and then she led me into the next room. Sitting in the big chair she bought a table over that had heaps of different tubes, needles and bands. I started to freak out I hated needles they absolutely freaked me out.

"Ok Cynthia I'm going to feel here for a good vain then you'll feel a slight prick" she said securing a stretchy band around my upper arm just above my elbow.

She used her pointer finger the feel for the vain then she wiped the spot over with a wet alcohol wipe. Willow held my other hand.

I could look at it I looked away looking at all the different pictures on the opposite wall. I felt a prick which wasn't as bad as I thought it was going to be. She took four vials of blood when the last one was finished she removed the needle and held a cotton bud over the area "Hold this here please using some pressure" she said before putting stickers with my name on all the vials.

She put a band aid on and helped me up from the chair. "your results should be back in about two to three days"



Three days later I got the phone call from Dr Clarke. She confirmed that I was in fact pregnant and I was roughly ten weeks along.


Thankyou for reading.

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