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A week had gone by since I found out I was pregnant. I hadn't told anybody else besides Willow and Jacob. But I was going to have to tell my mum. I was going to do it today after dinner, I would sit down with mum in the lounge room and tell her. I just hope she doesn't kill me.

Willow: have you told her yet?

Cindy: Nope she's putting Mason to bed. I'll tell her when she comes back down.

Willow: Good luck!!

Cindy: Thanks

Half an hour later mum came walking into the lounge room, she sat in her chair and placed her tea on the side table.

"Mum I need to tell you something" I even sounded nervous

"Ok Cindy" turning the TV off she said "what's up"

"Ok" here goes nothing "I'm" Shit "I'm just gonna say it. Ok I'm pregnant"

She didn't say anything for ages. She just sat there looking at me.

"Your pregnant"


"How far along are you?" she asked

"Bout three months"

"When did you find out?"

"Last week" I said

"Ok Cindy I've gotta ask are we keeping the baby" she asked nervously.

I sat silently for a while thinking.

I didn't want to get rid of my baby I wanted to keep it but how was I gonna raise a baby by myself?

"I wanna keep the baby" I said tucking my feet up under my bum and pulling the blanket from the back of the lounge and covering myself with it.

"ok then hunni looks like we are having a baby" mum said wrapping her arms around me hugging me close.

We hugged for a while before mum got up and went to make us hot chocolate. I picked a movie to watch.

"so, Cindy when is your next doctor's appointment?" Mum asked handing me a cup of hot chocolate.

"I have my first ultrasound on Monday"

"I'd like to come with you if that's all right"

"You really want to come? I thought I was gonna be doing this on my own" I asked

"Hunni you're not alone. I will be with you through this whole thing. As I'm sure Willow and Jacob will be too"

She was right. Willow and Jacob had said from the start that they would attend every appointment with me. They even said they'd attend the birth.

"Cindy who is the father?" mum asked

"I don't know" I said "I was at Willows eighteenth birthday party and I got really drunk I remember dancing and flirting with Tank and Pyro and then nothing until I woke up in a strange room buck ass naked with a killer headache"

"You weren't ra"

"NO mum" I interrupted her "they aren't like that.

"but one of them is the father?" she asked

"I think so. Yes. There wasn't anyone else there beside me, Jacob and Willow. The rest were all club brothers"

"Ok Cindy."

We sat up and watched the rest of the movie before going to bed.

At least my mum now knew I was pregnant. I still wonder who the father might be but there's no use in worrying about it. Its not going to change anything. At the end of the day I'm still going to be pregnant and I'm still going to be alone.

Yeh I have my mum and my friends but I'm not going to have another person going through this with me. A partner to hold my hand and wipe away my tears.

My baby was still going to grow up without a father. All because I had to go and drink so much that I didn't remember what I was doing or had done. I was so stupid.

Mum, Willow and Jacob could hold my hand through out the whole pregnancy, but it wasn't going to be the same as having the father of my baby there with me.


I was busting to go to the toilet, but I wasn't allowed to until after my ultrasound. I had to empty my bladder and hour and a half ago, then drink a litre of water over half an hour and then hold it for an hour. I was still waiting for my appointment and they were twenty-five minutes late and I was gonna wet myself if they didn't hurry up.

"God how much longer am I gonna have to wait?" I said standing up and starting to pace the floor in front of Willow, Jacob and my mum.

"They should be to much longer Cindy. Just be patient" Mum said

"be patient she says. My bladder is full and I'm about to burst" I said grinding my teeth

"It's not that bad Cindy"

I kept pacing and muttering under my breath while we waited for the ultrasound technician to call me in.

"Cynthia Southwell"

"Oh, thank god" I said walked towards the guy that called my name.

"hi Cynthia, my name is Brent I'm going to be giving you your ultrasound today" he said

I followed him into a room that had a bed type chair in it a machine with lots of cords and a stool. "hop up on the bed" he said

I kicked off my thongs and laid back on the bed.

"I'm gonna need you to lift your shirt up Cynthia" I did as I was told and lifted my shirt up bunching it up near my bra.
Jacob Willow and my mum stood at my feet looking at the screen. I watched Brent as he applied this clear jelly looking stuff on the end of a square narrow wand.

"this may be a bit cold" he said before placing it on my stomach just below my belly button. He moved it around a bit "If you look at the screen you will be able to see you baby" he moved the wand around my lower abdomen. On the screen was a black and white movie of my baby it looked like a blood he pointed things out telling me this was an arm, a leg or a head. He even pointed out the heart and you could see it beating.

I was so in awe of my little blob on the screen I almost forgot how much I need to go to the toilet.

I'd zoned everybody out as I watched the screen. Until suddenly it was gone.

"Would you like a picture" he asked as he wiped some of the goop off my stomach

"Yes please" I said

"Ok then if you need to use the bathroom there's one right through that door ill just print these off and you'll be right to go.

"Thanks" I said jumping off the bed and racing into the bathroom undoing my jeans as I went.

When I was done in the bathroom I was handed my photos my baby looked like an alien but that was ok.

"that was awesome" Willow and Jacob said at the same time

"thanks for coming with me"

"we wouldn't have missed it" Jacob said while Willow grabbed the photo from my hand and took a photo of it with her phone.

"Ok I'm hungry Maccas anyone"

They all laughed but agreed with me.

Tank (Hell's Legacy MC Series) book 2Where stories live. Discover now