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I had been staying at a motel for four days. After I had stopped crying and calmed down enough to drive, I decided I didn't want to go home. I didn't want to run into Tank and I didn't want to have to explain everything to my mum or Willow and Jacob. So, I switched my phone off and drove to the next town over.

I found a motel for the night, I took a long shower and went to bed.

In the morning I decided I wasn't ready to face reality yet, so I extended my stay for a few more nights. I had thought about Tank a lot. I had thought about the baby. I had even contemplated what I was going to do with my life.

I was sitting outside on the grass in the late afternoon sun, drinking a bottle of water, when a white car pulled in.

A heavily pregnant girl got out, pulling a bag out, she shut the door and the car pulled away. She walked into a room and walked back out a couple minutes later.

She was fairly tall and skinny with the exception of her baby belly. She had short, light brown hair, that she was wearing up. She was wearing a black pair of short shorts and a pink singlet.

She walked over to me, waving she asked "ok if I sit with you"

"Sure" I said.

"Hi, I'm Danni" she said leaning over and extending her hand.

"Cindy" I said taking her hand and shaking it.

We sat in silence for a bit "so how far along are you?" Danni asked pointing at my stomach.

"thirty-six weeks. What about you?" I asked

"Shit you don't look it. I'm thirty-eight weeks and a bit" she said pulling at the grass in front of her. "Do you know what you're having" Danni asked.

"Yeah, I'm having a girl. What about you do you know what you are having?"

"yeah a boy" Danni said looking down "but I'm not keeping him"

"you're not?" I asked

"Nah," Danni said shaking her head "that's why I'm here. I'm meeting the couple that will be adopting him."

"Wow, that's gotta be hard"

"It's for the best ya know. I'm only eighteen, father ran off, wanted nothing to do with me or the baby. My parents kicked me out when I told them."

"I'm sorry" I said.

I felt sorry for her, we were the same age, both pregnant. But she had nobody, her parents had kicked her out. Father of the baby had left her. Yet here I was shutting everybody out and feeling sorry for myself.

"Yeh" Danni said absently. "what about you?"

"Um. I'm keeping my baby"

"nice" Danni mumbled "so why are you here?"

"I was angry and upset. I needed to get away, I kept driving and I found myself here" I explained

"why were you angry and upset?" Danni asked

"long story short. I put myself out there for the father of my baby, stripped down and practically served myself up on a platter for him and he couldn't run away fast enough. Anyway, I went to talk to him later on and I walked into his room and found the man whom I think I'm in love with standing in a towel with a basically naked chick"

"shit girl and you just ran away"

"What else was I supposed to do. He obviously doesn't want me that way again"

"What was the other chick wearing?" Danni asked.

"boots, a black G-string and a leather jacket" I said remembering back to that night.

"Sounds hot" Danni said.

We sat outside for a while longer. It was starting to get cooler and the sun was setting. When I stood up.

"hey, I was going to order a pizza. Do you maybe wanna share it?" I asked her.

"sure" she said standing up

We walked across the parking lot and walked into my motel room. I grabbed my phone and turned it on to order the pizza online.

"What pizza do you want?" I asked her

"I'm good with any" Danni responded laying back on the bed.

"Ok, barbeque meat lovers"

"Oh, yes"

I paid for the order online. And the laid back on the bed too. It felt great to stretch out after sitting for ages. My back was killing me, I scrolled through all the messages on my phone.

Willow: Where are you?

Willow: worried about you. Call me ASAP

Jacob: babe u ok. Please call

Mum: Tank was here. I'm worried.


Willow: I will kick ur ass. Come home

Mum: ring me.

Mum: atleast let me know your safe

Tank: I've been driving around looking for you for days

Jacob: It's been 3 days. Where the hell are you?

The rest of the messages were very much the same. I replied to Mum, Jacob and Willow telling them I was safe and staying at a motel and that id be back soon.

The pizza arrived, we sat around the small table in the room eating.

"so, where are you from Cindy?" Danni asked

"I live in the next town over. About an hour away. What about you?"

"I come from Canberra. About two hours away" She said taking another bite.

"Are you going to stay here till the baby is born?" I asked

"yeh they want to be there when its born. So, I'm here for a couple weeks" she said shrugging her shoulders "they are paying for the motel room and everything".

After we finished eating we sat back and watched a movie on Netflix on the tablet. Half way through the movie Danni got up to pee.

"oh fuck" she screamed.

I rushed into the bathroom she was standing with her legs apart hand cradling her stomach, water running down her legs.

"I think my water broke" She said looking up at me.

"shit" I said, "what we do?"

"how the hell am I supposed to know" she screamed

"Ok, Ok. We can do this." I said starting to pace "I'll drive you to the hospital"

I started rushing around the room looking for my keys. I pulled some spare towel out of the cupboard and placed them on the passenger seat of my car. I walked back into the room and help Danni walk to the car.

We arrived at the hospital I parked in emergency and helped her from the car. I jumped back in the car and parked in the car park. I rushed back to Danni as fast as I could at waddle. I helped her walk in, she rang the couple that was going to adopt her baby to let them know she had gone into labour.


Three hours later she gave birth to a beautiful baby boy named Liam.

I had stayed by her side through the whole thing. I had tried to leave but she had demanded I stay so I did. I took a couple of pictures of her holding her son before the adoptive parents took him with them.

I went back to the motel to sleep. I was exhausted, Danni was staying the night at the hospital. I was going to pick her up in the morning.

I showered and jumped into bed. I decided to send a text to Tank before turning my phone off and going to sleep.

Me: We need to talk. I'll be home soon.

Tank (Hell's Legacy MC Series) book 2Where stories live. Discover now