Cheap Hotel

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Found this on a website (I forgot the address), thought I'd share this.

I'm on holiday in Bangkok, Thailand and I'm staying in a cheap hotel. The locals say the hotel is haunted, but you know how Thai people are.......they're very superstitious. However, I did have a scary incident last night. I took a bath and while I was blow-drying my hair, I switched on the TV. Suddenly a horrifying, old, whited faced woman appeared on the screen. It gave me such a fright, I dropped the hair-drier into the bathtub. That knocked out all the lights in my room. I had to rely on the light from the TV to get dressed. Then, when I went down to the lobby, I found out that my little accident had knocked out the electricity in the whole hotel. The manager wasn't very pleased with me.


Author's note:

Due to a big exam coming up, I'll have to stop updating for a month. Be back at the end of September!

Thanks everyone!

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