The Trespasser

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I knew something was wrong from the moment I opened the door. You know that feeling you get when you enter your room and everything's not in its usual spot, when you know clearly that nobody's been in it? Well, that was it. The couch was five feet away from where it started, and the tv was lying on its side. 

I stepped into the living room and shut the door, throwing dark shadows across the hallway. Stepping carefully over the disturbed carpet, I heard an odd rustling noise coming from the kitchen, followed by a faint light from the doorway. The first thought that jumped into my mind was: trespasser. I shivered. Movies about trespassers these days.....

I stepped into the shadows, creeping towards the doorway that led to the kitchen like I was on some sort of stealth mission. My feet barely made any noise as I tiptoed over, following the disturbing noises. I slipped into the kitchen, careful to stay in the shadows, and found the source of the white light.

A man wearing tattered uniform that reminded me of my old boy scouts' shirt in the closet upstairs was rummaging through the fridge. I shivered when I caught sight of his bloody hands before he wiped them clean on his shirt. I slithered along the ground to the counter, where the cleaver I had used to chop meat earlier was lying. I picked it up and leapt at the man, plunging my weapon into his back. A huge gasp, and the air left him.

Satisfied, I picked up his body and stuffed it into the fridge, where it joined the severed head and limbs of a woman. That secret will have to stay safe.

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