~Chapter Five~

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Chapter Song

Ass Back Home – Gym Class Heroes feat.Neon Hitch


"Maximum Security!" Adriana wailed in the backseat of the car all while Stefano kept his eyes on the road straight in front just a few short minutes away from the Prison now.
"You didn't tell me it was a maximum security prison Salvo!" She was telling herself not to overreact, to breathe and let her fiancé explain, but the words Maximum Security had really set her off.

"Its fine Adriana, just take a breath and calm-"

"Don't you tell me to calm down!" Yanking her hand from his to wag a finger in his face angrily. Just when she thought things couldn't get any worse, and just like that, they were!

Prison wasn't exactly a resort everyone was lining up to get into, but Maximum Security meant trouble, it could very well be the place where Salvatore's past could catch up with him.

"They weren't going to let me negotiate out of Max Ade, that part was not negotiable..."

"AND DIDN'T YOU WONDER WHY?!" She hadn't meant to scream, but her emotions were finally surfacing as they drew closer and closer.
Now it was going to be a race against time, they had to work to get him out quickly before the big time criminals held there took him out.

He grabbed her hand, yanked her a little closer to him and kissed her forehead shushing her through what seemed to be the start of a fight, panic attack, or both!
"I have some connections in there baby, likely some enemies too, but my connections are always stronger than my enemies. Just trust me, ok?"

Trust me...

Those words vibrated through her ears. It was all he ever asked of her and rarely provided an explanation. Adriana had always conceded and accepted the fact that he would take care of everything. But this time was different. This time he was in trouble and neither of them had any idea of his future.

"I trust you..." She whispered the words hating the fact that she had to say them and pretend to mean them.
She couldn't simply trust this time around. There was no way she could sit at home, wait it out and see what the future made of their lives together. This time, it was up to her.

"Nothing changes baby, after this you go home and you sit tight. There's nothing else to be done, let us take care of it and I'll be back home to you in no time, just like we talked about, right?"

"Sure..." She conceded hating that their final minutes of freedom were based on lies, but what else was she to do? She couldn't fight him, not today, not while he was under so much pressure.
"I'll wait, as long as it takes..."


"First visitation should be in a few weeks, it will fly by, you'll see..." Salvatore stated flicking the remains of his cigarette on the noticeably unkept parking lot gravel as Adriana leaned against the vehicle, Stefano smoking his own cigarette nearby giving the couple their last few minutes of privacy together.

"Sure..." Adriana responded with a forced and not so convincing smile somehow making her fiancé chuckle.

"That was convincing..." He took a step closer to her, scooping her up for a close embrace resting his head between her shoulder and neck taking in her scent. His lips peppering her there gently with kisses.
"Ti amo." (I love you)

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