~Chapter Thirteen~

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Chapter Song

Hopeless Opus – Imagine Dragons


Two Weeks and Three Days Later...

Adriana had thought long and hard about every possible scenario. She played them all out in her mind while she ate, lay in bed, showered, flicked through television stations, sipped on her coffees. Every micro second of her day for over the last two weeks had been spent thinking, contemplating, scheming.
There was no easy way out, no perfect options which particularly suited all parties involved but she knew she had to make a decision, had to be bold and once and for all make a move.

Tapping an impatient finger on the plastic tupperware container she finally cracked a smile once Salvatore made his way through the doors and towards her.
Jumping to her feet she wasted no time greeting him with a kiss, flinging her arms over his firm shoulders forcing his body into an embrace while his hands remained cuffed before him.

"NO TOUCHING!" A guard roared flashing them both a stern look of warning until they both sunk into their allocated seats.

"You baked?" Salvatore queried raising an interested eyebrow towards the container and smiling at her nod.

"Almond biscotti, they're still warm". Snapping off the lid for him she pushed the contents towards him smiling as she watched him eagerly take one in hand and very quickly consumed it. He was never really one for sweets, but at this point it was clear he was craving anything homemade.

"Babe, they're delicious!" He practically groaned reaching for another and consuming the second just as quickly. "I could eat them all!"

"Good!" She beamed happily, "because they're all yours, and if you hurry on up and get out of here I'll bake them for you every day!"

"Well..." Leaning over the container he conspicuously bumped it a little to the side, sneakily sliding his restrained hands so his fingertips brushed along the back of one of her hands. "I better get my lawyers to work a little faster huh?"

"They should already be skipping meals and working through nights to get you back to me."

Nodding he humoured her before sinking back into his seat, grabbing another biscotti on his way. "However you, my future wife, should not be skipping meals and staying up through the nights, and don't tell me you're not baby, I pay Stefano good money for these enlightening updates!"

Letting out a loud overly exaggerated sigh she couldn't believe they were about to have this conversation again.
Adriana understood his concerns, she emphasized with him, but nothing short of his release would finally make her relax like her fiancé quite clearly longed for.
"No more almond biscotti for him then..." She joked with an eyeroll she knew would press his buttons.

"Oh baby..." He smirked, "you'd need an almond biscotti corporation bigger than Oreos to match what I give that kid..."

"A biscotti empire..." She teased cheekily, "don't temp me Mr. Abandonato, I might just bring Oreos down to their knees!"

Closing the lid on the remainder of his biscotti he couldn't help but chuckle at her playful determination and the way she was still able to make him smile, even in this place. As difficult as life was, his fiancé came bearing gifts and playful banter.

"Anything on Elena?" Finally dropping the bomb she had been dying to discuss. It was imperative she armed herself with all the information possible before making any irreversible moves. "Possible locations? Whispers? Anything?" She longed for a yes, anything considered a glimmer of hope in the shĩt storm they were forced to live in.
Her heart sinking at the shake of his head that followed.

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