~Chapter Six~

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Chapter Song

Natural – Imagine Dragons


Three Days Later...

"Rise and shine sunshine!" Stefano shouted flicking the switch upwards for the light block out blind forcing the bedroom to slowly fill with light from the beautiful sunny day. Unfortunately the weather had not been matching Adriana's solemn mood the last few days. She had certainly been missing out on some great sunshine while cooped away in bed.

"Go away..." She groaned from under the covers, forcing the duvet over her head scrunching her body into a fetal position. She simply wasn't ready to face the world yet, to accept her fiancés fate and go about life waiting.

"Not a chance Ade..." Gripping both fists full of the covers he yanked at them hard, full of purpose and meaning business this time around, unlike the previous days. "The pity train has reached capacity little lady and this is your stop. Get up!"

"No!" She spat back sounding like a pitiful little child rebelling at the dinner table. "I'm not ready yet!" She sat up attempting to reach back for the covers with the look of devastation on her face when Stefano suddenly pulled them completely away from the mattress throwing them onto the floor well away from her. She'd have to get up if she wanted them.

"I've given you three days and fifteen minutes, you're ready!"

Today Stefano meant business. There was no way he was allowing her one more minute in bed, not until nightfall, and even then she had slept enough to be able to pull an all-nighter, but he wasn't completely heartless.
In her defence, she had done exceptionally well the night of Salvatore's incarceration. She had returned home, sat with the family and forced some food down all while putting on a brave face for Giuseppa.
However the morning after was the beginning of her downward spiral. Refusing to leave the bed, eat and rarely drink had he not started to leave bottles of water by her bedside.
He was fairly certain her new and not overly thought out plan was to completely waste away.

"Get up, shower and I'll meet you in the dining room for..." Pausing to look at his watch before continuing, "Jesus it's three thirty in the afternoon Ade, I guess we'll be eating breakfast, lunch and an afternoon snack?" Shaking his head frustrated at the fact that she wasn't taking the initiative to look after herself at all.

"I'm tired..." She groaned, "Just one more day..."

"Get. Up. I'm not playing Adriana. You think I'm letting the boss come home to a pile of bones in his bed?" Arms crossed around his chest, his foot impatiently tapping on the ground in a way that looked like he had recently developed a nervous twitch. And maybe he had? After all, he was left with a major task looking after the boss's fiancé!
He fixed his gaze on her; waiting, astonished when she slumped back down into the mattress containing nothing but the fitted sheet. Burying her head under the pillow he watched on as she screamed a muffled scream against the sheet.

"GET OUT!" Adriana finally snapped, no longer asking his permission. If she wanted to wallow another day, she very well would and he would have to accept it.

"Alright..." Stefano stated on an overly frustrated exhale. "Just remember YOU made it go this way!"


Adriana thought to herself with no interest in what he even meant. She was too tired and possibly too far into starvation mode to really comprehend any meaning to words lately.

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