6am, 6:05am, 6:10am, 6:15am, shhhhhhhhhh

32 3 1

I detest my morning alarm

it's consistent annoyance 

probes, and pokes, and prods 

my belly turns and desperately strives to clean my dirty goods 

I re swallow,  and re-digest the revolting acid, 

two, three times over 

you'd think my re flux would be well trained. 

Persistent with it's rings 

how has a noise sneaked so subtly under my skin, 

but it is about the only thing, 

that doesn't give in, 

everyone else stops trying, 

once I let the 7th call ring, 

until once again,

they are talking to substitute me, my voicemail. 

The thought of showing face, tip-toes me to the edge 

but it rings and it rings, 

until I acknowledge 

it's forever-returning racket. 


I drag myself, 

out of my bed of despair. 

I loathe my morning alarm, 

I hoped I wouldn't hear it again,

I didn't want to wake up. 

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