The chase

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I once felt an over-whelming feeling of happiness 

Amongst a large audience, I smiled and felt the hairs stand on my skin 

As the audience sang back to the performance 

I was lost in song and in a feeling of unitedness 

I felt so connected to a crowd full of strangers 

How could that be?

I've held that life-changing moment close to my heart ever since 

i have been hopelessly been chasing the same feeling since 

i am still yet to capture the same feelings...

I got seduced into the chase. 

I think we can all hold our hands up to getting caught in the trap of the chase. 

It's starts with a feeling

A feeling you haven't ever felt before 

But a feeling you know that you need again, 

but that's where the trap shackles you down by both wrists 

and before you know it, 

you try to create a reality out of an illusion. 

No matter how loud the task to recreate the scenes...

howls impossible, 

you need that feeling again. 

Remember when you held your first fifty pound note, 

the feeling exciting and new and we cannot sugarcoat, 

that once it was spent and your final pennies went, 

you had a lump in your throat, 

and you knew it was more you wanted...

the chase begun. 

Before you knew it you had fifty fifties, 

and you felt unstoppable and nifty, 

but you never felt the same as your first and no matter how much you received it wasn't satisfying your thirst, 

no matter what you received you felt shifty, 

because no matter how much you earned it got burned, 

the chase had won. 

I once felt an overwhelming feeling of happiness, 

and it was the kind of happiness that made me believe, 

but the second I began the chase, 

I knew it was time to leave. 

Battling the chase a loosing race, 

what are you running away from? 

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