Chapter Seven: Sept 30, 2017 - Emma

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"Good morning, sweetie." King David kissed his daughter's head as they sat down for their breakfast. "We have company arriving today."


"Yes, Queen Regina of the Southern Realm is coming to stay with us for a few days. She is in search of a husband to rule by her side now that the king passed," David filled her in as Snow joined them at the table.

"She's a remarkable young woman, Emma. You'll get along with her just fine, I'm sure," Snow remarked. "She's only a few years older than you and, from what I've heard, the people in the south adore her tremendously."

"Maybe she can take me to the south, then, after her visit here?" Emma tried, figuring the worst her parents could say was no. "I really want to go. Perhaps for my birthday next week?"

Snow shook her head in amusement, admiring her daughter's persistence.

"We'll see how things go during her visit and go from there, okay? Our main concern is helping her find a suitable husband so the south can have their kingdom whole once again." David added as he took a bite of his omelet.

"Is that really necessary?" Emma cut in between bites of her meal. "I mean, how come King Henry continued to rule without remarrying after his wife passed away, but Queen Regina cannot be queen on her own?"

"Well, for one, he has a successor in Regina to take the throne. Also, that's just the way it works, sweetheart," Snow said in her overly sweet tone. "A queen needs a king."

"That's stupid," Emma huffed under her breath and her parents shook their heads at their daughter's blunt candor.

When the royal carriages pulled up to their castle, Emma tucked herself behind a tree, wanting to remain unseen as she watched with great intrigue as the southern queen stepped out of the now-opened carriage door.

Her parents extended a hand, helping Regina down. Emma could tell the young woman wasn't used to wearing all the layers she had on, her thick fur coat reaching all the way down to her ankles and causing her to nearly trip as her feet touched the ground.

"Welcome, Queen Regina." Snow said, offering a swift curtsy.

"Thank you, Queen Snow, King David. It's lovely to finally meet you, I've heard wonderful things about both of you from my late father."

"How are you holding up?" Snow asked, wanting to pull the other woman in for a hug, but knowing that might startle her.

"I'm... as expected," Regina sighed. "But luckily, there isn't much trouble to deal with in the south and my court can manage as I deal with this... hiccup." She paused, an uncomfortable silence overwhelming them in the air. "I heard you have a daughter?"

David stepped in, "Yes. Emma. She'll be turning twenty this week. I thought she would have come out here to greet you," he turned to scan the nearby grounds in one quick sweep of the eye but didn't spot Emma in her spot, tucked neatly behind the tree in her white cloak that blended in with the snowy grounds.

"I'm sure she's inside, she's eager to meet you and learn about the southern realm," Snow added. "She's a very curious girl, always eager to explore, but she doesn't know about the land outside our castle."

"I'm excited to tell her about it. I'm very familiar with just about every aspect of the south. I, too, am an explorer and always wander off," Regina laughed stiffly. "Now, if you don't mind, I'd love to head inside. It's quite chilly out here."

They all laughed and led Regina inside the castle doors. Emma watched from her concealed spot and when Regina came into full view, her breath caught in her chest and she licked her lips which suddenly felt dry as she forced an exhale.

Regina's tan skin was barely visible due to the heavy coat, but her bronzed face and dark hair was a sight Emma never realized how badly she needed to see. She snuck into the castle behind them, dropping her light cloak onto its hanger and headed in the direction of their voices in the grand hall.

She stopped in front of a mirror, quickly combing through her curls with her fingers. She checked to make sure she didn't have any creases in her long, blush-colored dress then pushed open the doors.

"You must be Princess Emma."

Emma curtseyed at Regina and they locked eyes. "Hello, Your Majesty."

"Oh, call me Regina," she insisted, and Emma nodded, her eyes still glued to the dark-haired young woman in front of her and neither of them said a word for a moment.

"Would either of you like some tea to help warm up?" That was Snow.

"Tea sounds delightful," Regina said. "Thank you."

Emma shook her head. "I'm going up to my room. It was nice to meet you, Regina."

Regina nodded politely, offering a small smile that Emma couldn't get out of her head as she raced back to her bedroom.

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