Chapter Ten: Oct 5, 2017 - Regina

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Regina followed Emma up to her bedroom, both of them remaining quiet as they snuck upstairs, like they were sneaking off somewhere they shouldn't be, despite the fact that they were grown women who had every right to spend time together.

When they closed the bedroom door, Emma handed Regina a nightgown. "This should fit you. If not, we can grab something from your bedroom."

"This will do just fine, thank you." Regina went to the bathroom to change and when she returned, she spotted Emma already climbing into her bed in a cream-colored nightgown that made the pale pink undertones of her skin more prominent.

"Will you tell me about the southern realm?" Emma asked as she pulled up the covers, and Regina sat at the end of her bed, watching the princess intently.

"Of course. What would you like to know?"


Regina laughed, unable to contain the giddiness and sudden lightness she felt around the blonde. "Well, that may take some time. I have a better idea. I can show you."

"You can take me there?" Emma sat up, a little too quickly. Her hand shot up to her head as she winced in pain.

"Hey, hey. Lie back down," Regina commanded. "Sudden movements aren't good for your head! Besides, that's not exactly what I meant, but I suppose I could take you there some day, I don't see why that would be a problem."

Emma's eyes lit up and she nodded. "My parents never allowed me to go and visit, but maybe they'd permit me if I were accompanied by the queen."

Regina nodded, agreeing that it sounded like a sensible plan. She smiled at the blonde, then leaned closer to her and whispered, "I'll be right back, don't move."

Regina tiptoed down the hallway, opened her bedroom door, and grabbed her camera out of her bag before heading back to Emma's room.

"I love to take pictures when I explore. I can show you if you promise to stay lying down, so you don't hurt your head, okay?"

Emma nodded carefully, and Regina climbed toward the top of the bed to sit directly beside Emma. She put the camera down for a minute and quickly used her fingers to comb through and pull her long, dark hair back into a French braid. She fluffed the pillow and leaned back before lifting the camera up once again.

"You can braid your hair like that without even looking?" Emma raised an eyebrow and watched in amusement.

Regina nodded and laughed, "It's second nature to me — I know all types of braids. I could teach you how. But perhaps on a night when your head is feeling better."

"I'd like that," Emma whispered, settling herself closer to Regina to get a better view of the small screen.

Regina flipped through the pictures on her camera, taking her time discussing each picture - where they were, what she loved about each location - and all the different stories hidden within each memory she had captured through the lenses.

Emma listened diligently, her eyes twinkling with so much delight and excitement. Regina kept flipping through to reveal more images, and when she noticed Emma was growing tired and her yawns were coming more frequently, she just kept talking softly, knowing this would help ease the princess to sleep.

Once Emma was fast asleep, Regina glanced at the clock, planning to wake herself up every two hours to check on Emma, then placed her camera on the nightstand and closed her eyes.

For the first time in as long as she could remember, she wasn't haunted by a racing mind and panicked thoughts that made her toss and turn, and she dozed off with ease.

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