Chapter Twelve: Oct 10, 2017 - Regina

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"I've overstayed my welcome, I'm sorry this is taking so long," Regina sighed as she sipped her coffee at the grand table across from Snow.

"Nonsense. Stay as long as you need," the petite woman insisted.

"Yes, you're of no trouble at all," David added, smiling. "Besides, you and Emma seem to be getting along well. She's been getting into much less trouble now that you're around so it's nice to see you're keeping her in line."

Regina laughed, her mind flooding with memories the two had shared over the past week. If her parents knew she fell out of the tree, they may not be thanking her for keeping her out of trouble, and she couldn't help but laugh.

"Yes, I do very much enjoy having a friend. It's a nice change."

"Don't you have many friends in the southern realm?" Snow pried.

Regina sighed, unsure how to answer the question. "It's hard for people to befriend someone they're supposed to see as their queen. I'm sure you can understand. Sometimes, only fellow royals are the people you can truly call a friend."

Snow and David both nodded. However, as they both had a large circle of friends, they couldn't truly understand. Regina knew they wouldn't understand. Most people didn't, but she was grateful Snow and David tried to empathize.

"I heard my name," Emma said with a smile as she entered the room and Regina couldn't help but smile in her direction.

"Yes, we were talking about how your friendship with Regina seems to be keeping you in line," David laughed, and Emma rolled her eyes, teasingly.

"Well, she's just going to have to stay here forever. Or better yet, she could take me to the southern realm. What do you say?" She wiggled her eyebrows and Regina laughed.

Snow knew she was asking for permission in front of Regina in hopes that it would improve her chances of receiving a "yes" for once and Snow shook her head. "I told you, we're thinking about it."

"I think she'd really enjoy it. I'd take good care of her," Regina assured.

"Let's worry about finding Regina a husband and then we can talk. Okay, sweetie?"

Emma sighed and looked over at Regina, her eyes vacant but searching.

Regina looked back at her, shooting her a reassuring smile. "I have an idea. How about we go on an adventure here in the north? You can show me around and it'll be fun for both of us."

Emma's eyes lit up in excitement. "Okay!" Her demeanor shifted, and she was bouncing on her tiptoes now.

Both girls walked down the hall to go change and when Emma surfaced in Regina's bedroom, she laughed. "Think you have enough layers on?"

"It's very cold here, I'm still not used to this never-ending winter."

Emma laughed and sat at the end of Regina's bed. "Did you know that my mother was named Snow by her father, Leopold, because of the endless snowfall in the north?"

"I did not know that, no. That makes sense though. I guess you get used to it after a while."

"How much warmer is it in the southern realm?"

"Warm enough that I spend every day exploring outside in much lighter clothing than this," she jerked her head, glancing at the royal purple parka she threw on her bed. Emma helped her pull it on, ignoring the faint blush on each of their cheeks as Emma's hand momentarily brushed against Regina's neck, and they headed down the stairway and out the door.

"So, here's the spot I like to spend most of my time at," Emma gestured at the large, frozen lake. "I love to sit here and read or go ice skating on the lake from time to time."

Regina's eyes were glued to the lake, and she didn't say a word. She was transfixed on the realization that the icy coating greatly resembled glass in her mind, and her reality that she may soon have to marry a man she created with her own magical powers hit her.

"Hey, you alright?" Emma asked, walking over to Regina and pulling her closer.

"Yes, I'm fine, dear." She scrambled to clear her mind of these negative thoughts and come up with a quick response. "I just realized I've never gone ice skating before. I'm not sure I'd even know how."

"Well, let's change that." Emma grabbed her arm and pulled Regina over to a small hut where Emma stored her skates. Luckily, she had a pair lying there from a few years back that no longer fit her but would fit Regina's petite feet. "Put these on. I'll help you lace them."

Regina sat on a nearby rock and yanked the skates on, grateful Emma had already broken them in. As promised, Emma took ahold of her foot, one at a time, and placed the skate in her lap as she took her time lacing up the shoe.

"Okay, stand up and see how those skates feel. Are they tight enough?"

Regina nodded, quickly finding her balance on the thin blade, and both women walked toward the lake.

"It's fairly straightforward, and with your balance and grace, I'm sure you're a natural. But if you'd like, you can hold onto me until you get the hang of it."

"Well, only one way to find out..." Regina stepped onto the ice with no hesitation, allowing her skate's blade to help glide her forward.

Emma was right, she had enough balance to remain upright, but she was no match for Emma, who was skating in delicate circles around the brunette and showing off her talent.

"How did you learn to skate so well?" Regina asked, still slowly gliding along over the ice, wishing she had a wall to hold onto.

"Practice. There's not much to do around here, so I spend a lot of time on the ice. Here," She paused and reached out a hand. "I'll show you how to turn."

Regina accepted Emma's outstretched hand, and she smiled when she realized Emma's hands were warm, despite the frigid air.

Just as Regina began mastering the delicate turns Emma demonstrated, she lost her footing and slipped, falling with a quick thud that caused her to burst out laughing.

"You okay? Here, I've got you," Emma lowered her arm for Regina to grab on. Regina's hand wrapped around her slender wrist, but she winced out in pain and yanked her hand away.

"What's wrong? Are you okay?" Emma's panic rose through her tone as her shoulders tightened.

"You — it felt like you burned me?" Regina frowned, studying her hand but didn't see any visible signs of a burn.

Emma looked at her wrist where Regina touched her but didn't see anything out of the ordinary. She twirled her bangle bracelet once and opened her mouth, but nothing came out.

"Never mind, I must have just imagined it. I don't fall very often, so perhaps it disoriented me for a bit," Regina shrugged and pushed herself back up to her feet and skated away, Emma following close behind.

Within just a few hours, Regina felt that the skates on her feet were a part of her and this entire thing cane naturally to her.

"We should head back, it's getting dark," Emma stated flatly, her tone unreadable.

"Oh, I didn't realize how much time had passed. Yes, let's head back," Regina agreed.

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