Chapter Thirteen: Oct 11, 2017 - Regina

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Regina was tossing and turning, her legs sore from the hours she had spent ice skating with Emma earlier. She glanced at the clock, noticing it was well after midnight and a sense of loneliness washed over her.

Part of her wanted to sneak down the hall and join Emma in her bedroom, but she didn't want to disrupt the sleeping princess and, more importantly, she didn't want Emma to wonder what was keeping her up.

She had been in the northern realm for nearly two weeks and her time was running out to find someone who loved her. Many prospects presented themselves, but they all reveled in her beauty and she knew they'd never truly love her for more than just her looks and royal status.

She pulled out her compact mirror, desperate to erase the feelings of uneasiness she couldn't keep concealed. When she popped it open, Graham appeared in front of her.

"Regina, you look incredible."

Regina looked down, confirming what she already knew - she was in a black laced nightgown and had a light blanket draped over her legs for additional warmth.

"Thank you, Graham. I think it is time we discussed a story to tell regarding how we've met. We'll need to get married soon."

"I cannot wait to be married to the woman I love."

"Graham, may I ask you a question? What is it you love about me?"

"Well, aside from your beauty... you're the woman who gave me life. I'm indebted to you. You're also very kind and a very smart woman. Beauty, inside and out."

Regina blushed, still uncertain if Graham was able to understand what love truly felt like when he was made out of glass.

"How can you love me when you know I could never love you in return?" Regina's gaze dropped, defeat overcoming her.

"That does not matter to me. I just want you to be happy."

Regina nodded, but when she heard a knock at the door, she rushed to open the small mirror again and Graham was gone in moments.

Regina slipped her blanket over her bare shoulders, covering her exposed skin as she made her way toward the door and opened it.

A very sleepy Emma stood in front of her, holding Regina's camera in her hand.

"You left this in my bedroom, I came to return it."

Regina took the camera out of her hand and placed it back in her camera bag. "Thank you," she whispered. "I wish we had brought it skating with us today, so I could've taken some pictures of you."

"We can take new ones, together," Emma smiled and paused momentarily. "I heard you speaking with someone and knew you were awake, are you okay?"

"I am fine, just talking to myself," she lied. "I'm getting a little frustrated about this whole marriage thing."

She ran her hands through her hair, surprised she had admitted her frustration out loud. Emma grabbed her hand and Regina peered up to look her in the eyes.

Regina's dark orbs, full of pent up frustration, burned into Emma's green eyes which were soft and hopeful.

"You'll find someone who makes you happy, I'm sure of it."

"Emma, I have a question."

"Hmm?" Emma's eyes were on her again, and she sat down on the bed. Regina threw the blanket off of her body, suddenly feeling her body grow warmer on its own.

"Have you ever been in love?"

"I haven't, but I see my parents every day. And they're the definition of true love. Why do you ask?"

"It's just... I don't think I'm capable of being in love, that's all."

Emma shook her head. "Nonsense, you're the most caring person I've ever met. If anyone is capable of love, it's you, Regina."

"I have to tell you something, but I'm afraid."

"You can tell me anything, you know that," Emma smiled, reassuring Regina that she could trust her with the truth.

"You may look at me differently if I told you."

"I don't believe that, but if you're not ready to tell me, I won't make you."

Regina paused, biting on her bottom lip. She wanted to tell Emma, but part of her was petrified that she'd lose her as a friend, and she couldn't bear to see that happen. Not only that, but Emma could tell her parents and word could get out. She'd become a monster in everyone's eyes: the queen with a glass heart.

"You're right, I'm not ready," Regina sighed, disappointed in herself.

"Well, I'm always here. Do you mind if I sleep in here with you? I don't want to risk sneaking down the hall again and I'd prefer to be with you anyway if you're upset."

"You're a good friend, Emma. You're going to make a beautiful queen someday."

"Not as wonderful as you," Emma stated as she pulled back the covers.

Regina smiled softly, then quickly braided her hair before climbing into bed.

"You still haven't taught me how to do that, you know," Emma declared with a soft laugh.

"Want me to show you now?"

Emma nodded, and Regina grabbed her hairbrush off the armoire.


Later that evening, much into the early hours of the next day, Regina was alone again. Guilt still overwhelmed her for the way she had dismissed Graham.

She pulled her mirror out of her nightstand drawer and released him.

"I'm sorry for dismissing you like that earlier, that was very uncalled for and I took my frustrations out on you."

"No need to apologize, my queen," He assured.

"Graham, I've decided I need to let you go. It's not fair for me to keep you prisoner. I'll notify King David in the morning that you're a knight from the southern realm who came up to check on me since I was due back. Who knows? They may have a place for you in their royal guard," Regina smiled at him.

"Thank you, Your Majesty. But what about the engagement?"

Regina rubbed the back of her head. "When the time comes, I'll just announce that I've decided to marry you. When we return to the south, I can say you've come from the north and that's how we met."

He nodded, then thanked her before slipping out of her bedroom window and disappearing off into the night.

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