Chapter 3

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I was woken up by the doorbell constantly ringing.

Last night my parents cunningly avoided my questions about them and their past. They bombarded me with questions about college, my friends and boys.

Angrily I hurried downstairs to open the door but when I arrived at the half-landing my father had already opened it. A young man with short blond hair and a black suit walked in.

Our eyes met for a second but he quickly looked away again. My father pointed at the living room and waved me towards him.

As I walked in my eyes widen. The floor was covered with files and papers were laying everywhere. My mother sat on the table and had her glasses on while writing something on a piece of paper.

She is the messiest person I ever met.

My dad and the other guy sat on the sofa and waited for me to walk in.

"Good morning" I mumbled while trying not to step on the files which was basically impossible.

She looked up and smiled at me "It's noon already but I hope you slept good."

I just realized that I was still wearing my PJs. Short violett PJs that suddenly gave me the weird feeling of standing naked in the middle of the room. I did my best to ignore the feeling and walked to my mother.

"Please have a seat" she pointed next to her.

When I did so I patiently waited for my parents to explain who the mysterious man is and what he was doing here.

They didn't say a thing and the guy just blankly stared at his feet. The silence was oppressive.

"So..." I started and glimpsed alternately at my mother and father.

"This is Hudson van Dijk, your new bodyguard" my father cleared his throat.


My eyes widen and I stared at the man next to my dad. He had blue eyes and a bored expression upon his face.

He could definitely do a good job as a bodyguard. Wide shoulders, really tall and obviously well trained.

But why the hell would my parents think I'm okay with having a bodyguard? Someone who follows me everywhere.

"My what?" I stuttered appalled.

My hands started getting sweaty but I was freezing.

"He will protect you on your way to NewOrleans. Tobias and I will travel there as well but we have to go separate in case they find us" my mom continued factual.

I always admired my parents ability to filter out unnecessary information and just state the most important things. But right now I could scream.

What did they do?

"Hudson is the best in his department. My old friend from the secret service owed me a favor and here he is. His mission is to protect you no matter what" she added and handed him the paper she held in her hand.

"Her name is-"

"Pandora Sienna Momsen. I have been informed about everything, Miss Tersec" he cut her off with a deep voice.

My father put a blanked around my shoulders because I was shivering. It must have been 95 degrees outside but I was cold anyway.

"You will leave tomorrow morning. Your mother follows in three days and I should arrive there a week after her" my dad explained to me with an extra calming tone.

An unexplainable madness rose up inside of me. They treated my like a little child.

I don't need a bodyguard, I don't need anyone!

"No" I whispered bitter.

My mother moved closer to me "What?"

I'm nineteen not nine. There is no need to hire someone to protect me. Moreover it's more conspicuous to travel with a 6'3 tall hulk in a suit and an intimidating look than traveling alone.

If I have to go to NewOrleans that's okay but not if I'm being escorted like some celebrity.

"I said 'no'" I accidentally raised my voice at her.

She glared at me and I perceived this look she always as when she was trying to hold something back.

I'm so sick of my parents lying to me all the time. I have no idea who they really are!

Maybe my mother was some kind of spy or assassin? She could be a killer.

"I don't need a bodyguard" I groused angrily.

She took a deep breath in before she replied "You will only go with him to NewOrleans. End of the discussion! Now go and start packing your bags."

Only with him, huh? Fine then I won't go to NewOrleans at all.

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