Chapter 47

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"You're smoking again" I hissed as I saw him leaning against his black car.

After I had shot Kiran I broke down. All those emotions had taken over and I just couldn't stand it anymore. My mother was dead, my father was dead, my dad was dead and I had just killed my uncle.

Hudson carried me to his car and started driving. There was no trace of Blue but I assumed that wasn't unusual. Our deal was that he would make me strong and help me get my revenge. That's it and now he was gone.

And the worst part was that I of course wasn't feeling any better about Kiran's death. It didn't help me but I should have known that.

"And you're a killer" I couldn't reply anything smart to him because he was just right.

We got inside his car again and started driving in silence. After a while in awkward tension I tried to start a conversation with him again "People change. That's what time does to us. And experience, too."

"If you say so" his eyes were forced on the road and his knuckles stood out as his grip around the steering wheel tightened.

"Y'know, just because I didn't say it back doesn't mean I don't feel it too" I turned my head outside so he couldn't see my blushing cheeks.

"What do you mean?" he asked in a cold tone.

Oh, please! Of course he knew what I was talking about!

"You know what I mean."

He sighed silently and closed his eyes for a second before focusing on the road again "We don't need to talk about this."

Avoiding the talk won't solve the problem. It would be awkward until one of us exploded.

"But I want to talk about it. Did my actions change your mind?" I asked and observed every single of his movements precisely.

"OF COURSE NOT! You can't just turn your feelings off. I do not suddenly hate you because you did that! I am a killer! The last thing I would have wanted for you is to become like me!"

There is was, the explosion.

"But I already am like you" I replied calmly not wanting to piss him off more.

"I know that, now" he rolled his eyes and glimpsed at me.

"Hudson?" After a while in silence I took his free hand in mine and listened to his fast but constant pulse. "I love you" I whispered barely audible.

He shook his head with a smirk playing on his lips "There are so many different romantic ways to say that and that was probably the least."

I was expecting an "I love you too" but he smiled. That was the most important thing to me right now.

"I am not really romantic anymore. And besides, the thought counts" I replied smiling as he caressed the back of my hand with his thumb.

"Wow" he said sarcastically.


"Nothing" he shook his head and let go of my hand to put on a pair of sunglasses. I felt like I was in a movie and he was my super hot -well, what was he now to me?

"What are you going to do now?" I asked as I thought about it more.

Nobody said he would stay with me now that everything is over. Nobody ever said he would want to have to do anything with me. I didn't want him to leave me. I loved him and he said he loved me too, so he won't leave me right?

God, I am starting to feel like the old Pandora again. So full of fear and doubt.

"What do you want us to do?" He intervened his hand with mine again smiling to me.

"That means you want to stay with me?"

"I wouldn't have said us if I was only thinking about myself" he chuckled and placed a kiss on the back of my hand.

It was a small gesture but the butterflies in my stomach went wild and my skin tingled where his lips touched it.

Hudson was just perfect. After everything we've been through, after everything I've done I still have him. He's with me and he won't leave.

I love him, I just love him so much.

"I don't know."

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