Chapter 28

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Hudson's POV:

"Do you ever stop talking?" I rubbed my eyes.

He had been talking about Venus and Fiona for three hours now. I couldn't tell if he was even breathing in between his sentences.

Apparently our boss ordered him to propose to Fiona because her parents have a lot of money they would invest in the NSJP. Under the condition of course that she marries an agent, not Jordan.

When Venus found out she freaked out and ran away. Blue never found her but he's actually heartbroken.

"We're here" he pointed at a huge mansion on a hill.

It looked like one of those drawings you would see at an exhibition of one of those young artists. Not that I would know much about arts.

We arrived at a gate with two security guards. Blue got out and gestured me to do so as well.

"Gentlemen, I believe we have something to discuss" Blue walked to them with open hands and gave them his charming smile.

They immediately closed the way to the gate and looked at him with a blank expression.

"Do you have an appointment with Mr. Terces?" The taller one of them asked emotionless.

Blue acted as if he was reaching for something inside his smoking but instead he just took a swing and gave him an uppercut.

He fell to the ground right away. The other one tried to take his gun out before I punched him in the stomach. As he writhed I hit his neck with my elbow and he landed on the ground.

Blue kicked both of them in the face so they passed out. After that he took they keys and waved them in front of my face with a big smile upon his face.

It was this kind of smile you see on a kiss face when they get their birthday gifts.

"Just open the damn gate" I rolled my eyes at him.

I hated the way Blue handled missions. He always found it so amusing and got us in danger all the time.

The mansions door wasn't closed so we got in easily. Now the hard part would start.

Where the hell could she be?

"I suggest you go upstairs to the second floor and I stay here" he proposed as he studied a painting on the wall.

It showed a beautiful young woman with long blonde curls and brown eyes. She wore a sleek black dress and sat in the position Mona Lisa does.

"How many floors does the building have?" I looked around.

He headed to the stairs and I remembered that he had already been here. When he handed Pandora over to her uncle.

Blue is truly an asshole.

"Three" he replied absent and already opened a door.

I walked upstairs and found myself in a long hall with a royal blue carpet and paintings everywhere.

To my right were six doors and to my left hung the paintings of different landscapes.

The first room turned out to be just an empty room with a few boxes.

After that I opened a door revealing a small room with an undone bed. Matching furniture, and duvet covers in the same colors as the wall. On the nightstand next to the bed laid a tiny book.

I was just about to walk out again when I heard a males voice coming towards me.

"But they said they would be here by four. And yet-" someone leaned against the door.

Even though I have been on so many missions so far my heartbeat always went crazy.

"Sir, it's only been fifteen minutes. Give them some more time before you start to worry" a deep voice replied.

Probably Kiran and one of his employees.

The man who leaned against the door sighed.

"What about my niece? Is she alright?" He asked cheerlessly.

The door creaked as he pushed himself off the door.

"She is fine, Sir. Lets go outside so you can see them as soon as they arrive" his employee replied.

Couldn't they have said where she was?

When their steps became more quiet I slowly opened the door.

I was just about to turn to the other doors when Blues  black hair appeared at the end of the hall, where Kiran and the other man just walked to.

He always acted like those wannabe spies in kids movies when we were on mission. Things like tiptoeing, rolling over the floor and wearing sunglasses inside the building. In some way he actually was still a kid.

"You found her, mate?" He yelled over.

Geez, is he crazy?

"Do you want them to hear us?" I hissed and quickly ran to him so he wouldn't continue yelling.

Blue rolled his eyes at me and leaned against the stair terrain as he thought about something.

"I already checked the first and third floor. Maybe she is in the basement?" He rubbed his chin as he thought about it.

First of all, how did he check the first AND third floor in no time? And second of all why would she be in the basement?!

"If this maniac keeps her in his basement I am going to kill him" I felt anger boil up inside of me.

Blue tilted his head and gave me a encouragingly smile.

"Don't day that. You might mean it!"

The Bodyguard Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora