Trial and Error

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     Knockout was reprimanded, and the Synth-En project was given to Shockwave, who gave it to me.

         "I-I don't think I can-"

         "Of course you can," he assured, "You've finished your studies already, faster than most students in the old days of Cybertron. If I had the proper qualifications, I would have already given you the title of Scientist."

I smiled, embarrassed of the praise he was giving me, and my cooling fans activated, for once not from my anxieties and fear. I placed what Synth-En solution we had on the table, next to the protoform solution that I had just made. I realized that I needed a slip for the green synthetic replica of energon in order to try and find the missing links that made it stable. Turning, I went to find the slip needed to examine the unstable concoction of formulas.

         "You will need this."

I stopped before Shockwave's servo could hit my in my faceplate, the clear slip gripped between his digits. He must have acquired it when I wasn't looking.

        "Thanks Shockwave." I smiled, and took it. He simply nodded in response, and went back to hi sown work.

     I like the occupation of Scientist. I might not have the title but I do the job, and I'm never bored. There's always something that changes, there's never a constant when it comes to experimentation. I used a small syringe and placed some of the liquid on the slip, placing it under a microscope. After a minute or two of adjusting, I was able to see just what made up this dangerous green glow. I smiled as I began to take notes, soon acquiring enough clear slips to experiment on it, finding what chemicals made it up. I placed a small drop of a different solution on, resulting in a mini explosion. I giggled at the reaction, and continued, not noticing Shockwave's watchful optic as I worked.

         "How many different tests are you running?" he questioned after my fifth test, which had no reaction, much to my disappointment.

         "Until I see if Knockout's results are correct," I answered, looking at what variables he used when making more Synth-En, "So far I've found several parts of the solution that don't even stabilize it, they're just there..."

He looked over my shoulder, staring at the computer, the notes I had taken explaining the reason for some of the formulas and why some things shouldn't even be there. He nodded his satisfaction, and continued on with his own work.

     After awhile I managed to make a canister of my own Synth-En. It was a brighter green then what Knockout had conjured up, but it was sign that the solution was more stable then before. Turns out, retracting some of the ingredients stabilized it. I smiled at my triumph, and placed it on the counter, but I miscalculated how close my servo was to the other canisters, two with protoform solution, and what was left of Knockout's Synth-En. They fell to the floor with scraping CRASH, and I jumped as the sparks from the metal against metal caught fire, with both solutions.

     "Shockwave duck!"

I dragged him with only that as a warning behind the medical berth, much to his chagrin, and waited for the impending doom of the explosion soon to come... but there was only silence.

         "I hope you have a logical explanation for-"

There was no room for him to continue as a loud BOOM resonated through out the Nemesis, and I found myself just barely being missed by a metal spike that went clear through the medical berth. It slowly grew further until it brushed my faceplate, scraping it only slightly. Not enough to hurt to badly, but enough to leave a mark.

         "No explanation needed..."

     I looked over to Shockwave, seeing that he had to dodge several pointed pieces of metal. One at the side of his helm, another just missing his side, a third had grazed his leg, and the last one had stopped just before hitting a certain area... I couldn't help but laugh.

         "I fail to find the humor in this," he commented as I wheezed, my weak spark finding hard to keep up the combination of fear mixed with hysteria.

         "I-I'm sorry Shockwave," I started to sober myself, "Let me help you."

I managed to saw off the main concerning ones that blocked him from any possible escape, and we soon began to work on the random assortment of metal, the center point being where the three cannisters had fallen.

         "Shockwave," I started, "Is this what I think it is?" I questioned, examining the metal in my servos.

He took one of the pieces from me just as Knockout, some vehicons, and Starscream came bursting through the door.

         "What on CYBERTRON was THAT?!" The Seeker screamed, and I winced at his high pitched voice.

         "An experiment," Shockwave answered monotonously, "A successful one at that."

I felt a sense of pride bubble up in my tank, and smiled, earning a glare from the Second in Command, making it fall.

         "What experiment nearly blows up the ship?!" Knockout argued, after turning his stare from me.

Shockwave looked to me, and I nodded, knowing exactly what he wanted. It was my turn to explain things.

         "Through... trial and error... I've uncovered that that when combining these two solution," I pointed to the different formulas for each solution on the computers, "And adding an amount energy, earlier it was an accelerant, it will result in this," I held up one of te pieces that I had planned to simply throw away, "I'm sure you'll recognize it, unless it's been that long since seeing Cybertron." I threw the piece to the Seeker, who fumbled with it before weighing the metal in his servo, his optics going wide, mimicking the medic who was staring at the chunk.

         "Would we be able to harness this blast?" Knockout questioned.

Looking to Shockwave, I silently asked if he wanted me to continue. He nodded.

         "Essentially, though it will take a large amount of research, as well as the stabilizing of the Synth-En, and I noted you were simply shooting from the hip." I looked to Knockout, not even noticing my sudden confidence, which was quite out of character.

         "I didn't have much to go on," Knockout defended.

         "Understandable, but you should have taken out the variables that were of no help and made the Synth-En even more unstable." I showed the different experimental variables Knockout had failed to extract from the Synth-En.

     Beginning to notice the silent stare, and slightly aggravated atmosphere, I exited the file that had all of my findings and went to stand behind Shockwave, hanging my helm in embarrassment. Maybe I should have just stuck with a simple 'yes'...

         "As you can see," Shockwave ended the looming silence, "If we manage to create a second Omega Lock, then there is a chance of reviving Cybertron."

This idea made my mood change, and I lifted my helm, a small smile on my faceplate. I had never seen Cybertron, being created on the Nemesis, and have only seen the horrific pictures that were taken during the war. Seeing Cybertron for the first time is definitely on my list of dreams. 

(His optic glows brighter when he blushes! I LOVE IT! Thanks for being so patient! More to come later on!)

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