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         "It's really not that simple," I sighed, looking at the two different formulas on the screen, "If I use one, it'll blow up, and if I use the other, it'll blow up even bigger." 

         "Then perhaps there is a third possible formula," Shockwave reasoned, his helm above mine as he too stared at the Primus forsaken screen. I didn't like what it was showing me, and neither did the mech that stood beside me. 

         "Perhaps... but the actual formula is so far buried with the natural chemical reactions that I can't find what's up, what's down, and what's in between." 

         "An interesting way of putting it." Shockwave commented, which made me smile, despite my flustered state. 

     I had been working on this formula for several weeks now, being as obsessed with it as Shockwave was his Predacon Project. Predaking will come in from time to time, try and get me to stop my work for a little bit, but often times I brush him off, in the politest way of course, I don't want to hurt his feelings, but this is important. I want to see Cybertron revived, and see it's glow with my own optics. It's truly quite the thought, considering I have never seen it before, being created on the Nemesis. 

         "(Y/D), you're needed on the bridge." A vehicon announced, and I nodded, still staring at the screen, "Now." The tone made me jump from my state of concentration, and I looked to the vehicon and nodded. Turning off the computer, and bringing my USB, I guessed that Megatron wanted to see my progress. 

         "Where are you going?" Shockwave questioned, coming in from the office we seem to share more often now. 

         "I was called to the bridge," I explained, "I'm going there now." 

         "I will come with you then," he said, placing whatever he had acquired down. 

         "I really don't think that necessary," I shook my helm, "It's not that far of a distance." 

It took some convincing on my part, but Shockwave agreed to let me go on my own, and I smiled, giving him a kiss on the side of his optic before leaving to see what it was lord Megatron wanted. 

     I made it with ease, and wondered why Shockwave was so worried. There was no danger here, at least not today, besides, if anything were to happen, I have a mad scientist, and an evolved Predacon on my side. Not even Megatron can compete with that. But let's not get ahead of myself, I'm still only a drone, meant to follow and obey, like everyone else. I am no higher then anyone aboard this ship. 

     Walking onto the bridge of the ship, I noted that Soundwave was not in his usual spot. I frowned at this, wishing I could thank him for his kindness after bringing me to the med bay. Upon further notice... Megatron wasn't there either, and neither were the vehicons or even Starscream for that matter. I know for a fact the other vehicon said to come to the bridge... maybe I was mistaken... 

         "You see Lord Megatron?" 

I turned in horror, seeing my carrier stand beside the war lord, pointing at me with a cold, hateful digit. 

         "She is stealing information, most likely to send to those Autoscum."

I walked right into her servos... she used what she taught me against me... 

         "N-no! Please! That's not what I c-came here for!" 

Megatron stomped and made the floor shake and I fell, denting my armor and making it scratch against itself. I felt the tears want to fall but I couldn't let them see me cry. Looking up, I saw Megatron's frame looming over me in my vulnerable state. 

         "Then why are you here, Vehicon." He spat at me and shrank down further onto the floor. 


         "SPEAK UP!" 

         "I came on your call!" I answered quickly, "I was told that you c-called me to the bridge." 

         "I made no such call," he seethed, "Why would I call the one, currently working on the Synth-En project?" 

He glared at me from above, and I felt even smaller than I ever have. I was being shot down to that of a human. A squishy, easily terminated human. Tiny primitive creatures that are killed so easily... then again... I can be terminated just as easily... 

         "I-I... I don't know," I hung my helm, knowing that whatever I say, it will not be listened to. 

         "Stand up." Megatron spat, and I followed orders, helm still staring at the floor, not willing to look anyone in the optic, "You are hereby discharged, of all duty aboard my vessel." 

     He took steady aim at my helm, and I was internally glad that he was being merciful. I closed my optics as tears began to roll, and I cold hear the low snickerings of my carrier and those behind her. For a split second, there was a moment of tranquility, and the noise stopped, only the thrumming of Megatron's canon, and my own thoughts that circulated through my helm. What would happen to the Synth-En project? Shockwave would get it. What will happen to Shockwave, when he is told the lie Megatron is believing as well? He'll most likely hide his emotions once more, never to be seen again... because of me, and my stupid actions of wanting to go alone. His numbness will be my fault, and I will be nowhere to help him,  to comfort him, to say I love him. 

     The noise slowly came back, and the snickerings were louder, Megatron growled and the snickerings stopped with the low mumblings of apologies and the shuffling of pedes. He looked to me once more, and my optics were blurry with tears. 

         "Shockwave would be disappointed." There was a smirk in his tone, and I knew he took pride in knowing that he would be offlining the illogical variable that so often took away the scientist's attention. 

         "I already know." I sighed, and closed my optics, awaiting my apparent end. 

     The shot resounded through the Nemesis, and I opened my optics, but no energon hit the floor.

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