Synth-En: Take 1

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     After a few more tries with the holoforms, it was agreed upon that they were not to be used. Mine would always be far to weak to function, and his was a hassle to keep two opticced and two servoed. Though it's still experimental, and has a promising path if we ever found ourselves in the midst of humans, and unable to escape the situation. Of course I will most likely never leave the Nemesis, so this concern is null and void. For now I will worry about whether or not the Autobot medic takes the bait...

         "Get in," Knockout shoved me through the doors to the second lab, the berth acting as a table for the many tools that may help Ratchet in his mission to replicate the Synth-En in a more stable form. 

I hit the floor as he pushed me again, earning more than a few scratches already. The lesser of the two evils quickly picked me up with gentle servos, his cyan optics a stark contrast to Knockout's egotistical red ones.

         "I hope you're as smart as I said you are," he mumbled, unknowing of my true mental capacity.

         "Thanks for the vote of confidence," I grumbled, allowing him to steady me, though I can take care of myself.

         "I assure you, we have everything you may need," the mad doctor practically bragged, "If not, check again." 

He chuckled at his own joke as Ratchet and I began our work, him a prisoner with a weak spot for invalid femmes, me a scientist trying to continue my earlier work.

     Shockwave and I agreed, begrudgingly on his part, that Knockout would be the one to escort me and fake the part of me being a prisoner and guinea pig of Shockwave's. I realized I was risking it, knowing of Knockout's twisted fascination of me, but Predaking has been ordered to walk with me to the lab, as well as after my shift is done. For now I'll have to live with the occasional look or "accidental" brush of a shoulder plate. Perhaps he'll drop a tool and tell me to bend down and pick it up just to watch my aft. Humans call them perverts, we call them Knockout.

         "Frag..." said red medic cursed as luckily empty container rolled to the floor and shattered. I held back a scolding as he looked to me, "Vehicon, clean this up." he ordered.

He's having way to much fun with this.

         "I will," Ratchet interrupted my unsaid response of 'yes sir', and handed me the canister he was working on, "Try separating some of the lower level nuclear properties."

I nodded and went to work as Knockout's plan was foiled by an Autobot. Wouldn't be the first time he's failed.

     After a small accident, by small I mean a certain red medic almost blew us up and ruin what ground we had gained, I commed Soundwave to send a vehicon, announcing that it was my time to go. When they came I focused on my work as Knockout spoke with the vehicon drone.

         "You're grace period is over," he announced once the vehicon left, "Time to get back to work."

         "I just need her for a time more!" Ratchet insisted as he looked up from his work.

         "Then you'll get her when she comes back," Knockout took hold of my arm roughly, leaving scratches when he threw me towards the door, "In the meantime, she's wanted by Shockwave."

I was pushed out the sliding doors, and I sent a small smile to Ratchet, wanting to run to Shockwave and beg his forgiveness for showing such niceties to the Autobot scum. My smiles are for my scientist, the only one who finds them of worth on this Primus forsaken vessel. 

     I can't wait to be on Cybertron for the first time. Shockwave has told me of his many labs, and his favorite places to go, when Cybertron was alive, anyway. But for now we rule the war ship, a waste land full of life. To bad death won't come to those who are really getting on my circuits.

         "I don't appreciate your advances," I growled at the medic who would not take the much needed step away, being far to close for comfort, "no matter how subtle, Doctor."

         "You accuse an innocent mech my queen," he leaned forward, ensuring that I could see the smirk on his faceplate through the corner of my optic as we walked, that's when I noticed Predaking wasn't with us, "my advances are far from subtle."

The mech grabbed my wrist and I was forced to turn and face him, seeing the hungry optics of a mech who thinks he could get away with anything in the shadows of the war ship. 

         "You graduated from the highest of institutions, you are a medic after all, correct?" 

This seemed to catch him off guard as his optics flooded with a new look: pride.

         "Of course," he smiled handsomely.

         "High marks, top of your class?"


         "Then why resort to being a frag-mech instead of doing your job, and keeping everyone here properly functional?"

I felt his grip tighten on my wrist, and I held back a whimper as he growled.

         "You do know that my job includes making sure that all personnel are fully functional," he growled in my audio and I knew he was threatening me, while at the same time trying to promise something I'd never forget, "and I think you're over due for a check up."

My servo shook like a leaf and I had to focus to be sure that my sigh didn't come out in the shaky fear my spark was aching with. I closed my optics, only to open them, and stare at the condescending medic with a firmness I knew I didn't have.

         "Your profession requires that you know how to spell, correct?"

He gave no answer, merely staring back, red optics ablaze with an animalistic hunger I wanted no part of. 

         "Well then, dear Doctor, spell taken, and loyal."

I yanked my servo from his grasp, sparks flying from the scraping of metal on metal, and stomped off, fully aware that Shockwave's lab was still a good distance away, but when Knockout was no longer in optic sight, I bolted, arriving in record time. My first reaction upon seeing my scientist was to place many small kisses around his optic, startling him.

         "What is your reason for this sudden show of sentiment?" he questioned once I stopped my small attack. After a time, I answered.


Shockwave noticed my wrist, and held it gingerly in his servo, examining it.

         "He shall be punished."

         "Just forbid him from taking an oil bath for a time," I shrugged, thinking the matter small now that I was with my one and only, "that should do it."

         "You are far to careless," the cyclops shook his helm.

         "So I've been told."

I gave him one last kiss before going into the details of the Synth-En project so far as he repaired me.

(Writing tip: If you have the same character in more than one story, don't use the same character traits -the overall character development from the first story-. Instead of going to your default, try something different and give things some pizzazz! 

Also: Girls and/or guys, don't tolerate someone who treats you this way. This kind of person will reap what they sew, and trust me, you don't want to be a part of THAT harvest   -I'm talking about Knockout, obviously. Shockwave's awesome- .

Thank you for reading!)

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