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𝑳𝒊𝒌𝒆 𝑺𝒂𝒍𝒕 𝑶𝒏 𝑨 𝑺𝒍𝒖𝒈



The disgusting skinwalker pried its way through the chain-linked divider and lunged at Ettore. Ettore let out a snarl whacking his hand at its head successfully sending it to the ground as if it were just a pesky fly.

"Why did you hit me?" It wailed in Syretia's voice. He stood still for a moment, his form rigid at even thought of harming Syretia.

"Oh shut up," Ettore looked over his shoulder momentarily to see the elderly she-wolf walk in with a jar of white ash. "I hate making creatures suffer but this has to be done." She tossed the ashes onto the skinwalker and its skin began to bubble and burn. The pungent smell was intense and vile making Ettore's eyes water. He grabbed a pair of scissors that were laying on the counter and took it upon himself to thrust them into the weakened skin walker's chest killing it. They two stood there staring at the burnt body silently before Welma spoke up. "Just like salt on a slug." Ettore couldn't help but let out a small chuckle at her analogy. Welma put on a pair of rubber medical gloves before grabbing a box of larger ones and holding it out to Ettore. He slipped on the gloves and turned to see Welma holding up a pair of basketball shorts. He slipped them on under the towel making sure to give Welma an appreciative smile. He dropped the towel onto the floor and grabbed the skin walker's wrists dragging it out of the shed wordlessly with Welma a few steps behind caring a shovel.

"I suppose I owe you an apology," she said as she passed him the shovel knowing that he'd get the job done quicker than she could.

"I don't want your apologies," he stated as he began to dig a hole. It took him not even twenty minutes to dig a large enough hole for the skinwalker's body to be kicked into. Welma did the honors. With one swift kick from her green, rubber boot clad foot the skinwalkers body was sent to the bottom of the hole.

"While Syretia is inside, let's continue our conversation from earlier," she said the moment he finished covering the hole back up. His form stiffened before he reluctantly nodded. He had been hoping that she would just drop it.

Welma led him over to a gate and she promptly opened it allowing him to step through it first before she closed it behind them. Ettore looked ahead, behind a small hill he could see the tops of large pine trees and dense vegetation.

"Shift." Was all she said before stepping behind a bush. The only sounds filling the air was the rustling of clothes then the popping of bones. Ettore took that moment to take the basketball shorts off and shift into his wolf as well. His wolf tried to take control but Ettore shoved him back in the recesses of his mind. He couldn't help but feel a little proud of himself. A few seconds later a white wolf with longer, wispy fur stepped out with a pile of neatly folded clothes clutched in her mouth. Ettore grabbed the basketball shorts with his mouth and sat still waiting for her signal.

She held her head high and glanced at Ettore before breaking out into a sprint towards the trees on the other side of the hill. Ettore sat stunned for a moment, for being so old, she sure was fast. He jumped into action taking off after her just as her tail disappeared over the crest of the hill.

He lost her in the thick fog that had settled along the ground. He held his snout to the air sniffing trying to catch her scent. He was knocked down the ground and immediately jumped back onto his feet defensively, eyes narrowed as he looked around. But then the scent of lavender and that specific scent that all werewolves carried filled his nostrils. That crazy old bat. He let out a snort and walked into the fog bank, following her scent. Shortly, he found her white wolf on the other side of a riverbed lapping up the cold water greedily. He looked around and found a large log that covered the expanse of the river. He padded over to it and leaped up onto it before walking steadily on it to the other side. He hopped off the moment he reached the other side and walked over to Welma giving her a curious look. She gestured her head towards a cluster of bushes and went over to it.

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