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𝑺𝒆𝒆𝒌𝒊𝒏𝒈 𝑪𝒐𝒎𝒇𝒐𝒓𝒕


SYRETIA broke into a dead sprint back to the wolf sanctuary not once sparing a glance back. She knew that Darrin had run off in search of Ettore but she wanted to help. But, at the same time, she knew better than to anger him further. She burst through the gate slamming it shut behind herself, before she ran down the path to the steps that led inside of the main building.

Welma shot out from her living quarters still dressed in her poncho and khakis, "Syretia! Where have you been, are you daft?!" She yelled, completely livid. "You could've been killed! The woods aren't safe for humans at night!"

"Darrin already berated me enough, Welma," Syretia sighed in annoyance, clenching her fists.

"He had every right to do so! Sometimes you're so hard-headed and it's not for your own good."

"I just wanted to find Ettore, I'm worried about him.."

You should've woken us, or at least Darrin. Or better yet we could've waited till daybreak," She gestured outside to the sunlight that was beginning to cast through the windows. Syretia wanted to retort, but she bit her tongue deciding to just stay quiet. "Where is Darrin, anyway?"

"He went to continue searching for Ettore." Welma sighed.

"Are you hungry, Syretia?" She nodded, Welma walked back to her kitchen with Syretia following right behind her.

After breakfast, they sat in silence at the kitchen table. Welma was filling out a crossword puzzle and Syretia's mind was too muddled with thoughts of Darrin and Ettore. Ettore... why did he run off like that? Why didn't he return? Is Darrin alright? Are they both injured? Are they lost? Why do I even care so much?

The living quarters' door burst open with Darrin standing in the door frame. His handsome face was stoic as he inhaled and exhaled heavily. His built figure was covered in already healing wounds and splotches of blood. He looked like he had come straight from a horror movie. Welma shot from her chair, rushing over to her son, worry coating her features.

"What happened!?"

"There were these massive wolves -- I've never seen anything like them -- they attacked out of nowhere. I received help from the Plateau Pack and we attacked two of the wolves. The third one vanished. After the two retreated, I searched for Ettore and the third wolf. And... all I found was a pool of blood. It reeked of Ettore." Syretia couldn't control the sob that escaped her mouth. Her chest felt constricted and she felt as though she couldn't breathe. But why? Why was she stricken with such strong emotions over someone she barely knew? She watched as Darrin and Welma looked at each other as though they were engaging in a secret conversation.

"I'm going to speak with the Alpha. Darrin, you stay here with Syretia. I'll return in two days, hopefully with more pack warriors and trackers so we can get to the bottom of this." Syretia had never heard Welma talk so seriously and authoritatively; so in charge. Darrin simply nodded and slowly approached Syretia. Welma took that moment to disappear into her bedroom before exiting moments later with a suitcase.

"Be vigilant and on high alert, who knows the motives these wolves have. They might return," were her parting words as she left through the threshold leaving Darrin and Syretia alone.

"Are you alright?" Darrin asked crouching down in front of Syretia as she was still planted in the chair. His eyes held concern, he opened and closed his mouth, at a loss for words.

"I don't know why I'm feeling so... heartbroken... I barely even know him," Syretia sighed with a sniffle, putting her face in her hands. Darrin grabbed Syretia's wrists pulling her hands from her face as he leaned in.

"It's a werewolf thing, he probably imprinted on you or something. It will dissipate eventually." Syretia nodded meekly, unsure of what to say she didn't even really know what Darrin meant. Darrin pressed his forehead against hers.

"What are you doing?" Syretia finally asked, closing her eyes, not wanting to awkwardly make eye contact with him.

"Reading your thoughts," Darrin replied in a serious tone.

"Seriously?" Her curiosity had been piqued as she opened one of her eyes to look at Darrin who had his eyes sealed shut.

"No," he pulled away with a small smile on his face, chuckling. "Werewolves can do lots of things but reading thoughts is not one of them."

"Darrin," She began, looking at him dead on, catching a twinkle in his eyes.


"Can you let go of my wrists now?" The twinkle disappeared and his face went stoic.

"Oh, right... of course," he stammered as he released her wrists and stood up, walking over to the couch plopping down. Syretia glanced around the room not staring at anything in particular, the silence was making her uncomfortable. "Syretia," She looked over at Darrin, giving him her undivided attention.


"You should probably rest," he patted the couch next to him. Syretia rolled her eyes but walked over to him. She plopped down on the couch next to him with a huff. "If you need to cry at all, my shoulder is available." She shoved his shoulder playfully but otherwise ignored him. She grabbed a blanket that had been discarded on the cushion next to her. She proceeded to drape the blanket over herself and let out a sigh; Darrin had been a bit of a distraction, but she still couldn't shake the feeling of overbearing concern for Ettore. She looked over to see Darrin yawning and closing his eyes.

Even when he was trying to relax he looked tense. Arms crossed over his chest and his back straight.

"You know you'll sleep better if you slouch into the couch," Syretia offered, he opened an eye and looked at her, before wiggling into the couch further. She grabbed a corner of the blanket she was hogging and tossed it over his right leg, not wanting to seem stingy.

She laid onto her side, resting her head on a stiff throw pillow. She knew that she should just go home, but she didn't want to be alone. She peeked over at Darrin's profile, a smile gracing her lips as she closed her eyes. She wasn't capable of doing anything, she didn't know where to begin with looking for Ettore. She most likely wouldn't survive if she came into contact with the wolves Darrin had mentioned. She could tell that they had been a force to reckon with because as he mentioned them his eyes looked haunted. At that moment, his presence was comforting enough for her to lull off to sleep. 

Ettore | ✔️Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora