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"It's been almost a year since he left," Queen Analyn commented as she walked over to King Vincenzo who was looking out of a tall window of his office. 

"He'll be returning soon," Vincenzo replied, his gaze never leaving the mouth of the forest below. "He was able to recruit several new court members."

"Tomorrow will be his birthday," Analyn smiled softly, "sixteen years have flown by so fast, he left as a tentative young man and--"

"And he'll be returning as a young man boisterous, confident young man," Vincenzo finished for her. He watched as a group of three wolves ran out of the mouth of the forest. "Speak of the devil." Analyn ran out of his office and through the castle wanting to embrace her son. 

Vincenzo sat down at his desk, grabbing an envelope that had been left for him. He'd opened it earlier but he hadn't bothered to read it as Analyn had interrupted. He pulled out a folded piece of paper and began to read. 

Dear Beloved King, 

I've caught wind of a treacherous witch that helped hide the truth for many moons. Your beloved queen is nothing but a liar and I plan to make everything right. 

Starting with the Prince. x

Vincenzo crumpled up the letter, not believing the crudely written letter, it looked as though a right-handed third-grader was trying to write with the left hand instead. But he knew that it was best to not tread lightly, he would devise a plan to keep his son safe. 

He ran through the castle to find Ettore and Analyn, and shortly he found them in the courtyard talking. He took in his son's appearance and scowled at his shoulder-length wavy hair. He'd have to get it cut immediately. 

"We need to discuss something that just came to my attention," he spoke, Ettore and Analyn looked at him with confused expressions. 

Ettore followed his parents to his father's study, the castle seemed almost unfamiliar after being away for so long, he had grown used to sleeping in the woods and occasionally in a shelter on the different pack's lands. 

His father quickly drew all the heavy curtains shut and locked the door, "I got this letter and there's an assassin threatening Ettore's life. We need to devise a plan to keep him safe until I decide it's time for him to return. Which pack shall we send him to?" He directed his conversation towards Analyn before his gaze shifted over to Ettore, "which pack did you get along with best?"

"We should send him to The States," Analyn interrupted, "the assassin is probably planning on us sending him to another pack in Europe, one that's close to Italy. He'll have a better chance in America. There's a pack there that I have connections with, The Verdale Pack." 

"Get in contact with them right now," Vincenzo ordered. Analyn went over to the phone and began to ring the Verdale Pack's alpha. 

"Does anyone else know you're back apart from us and the two wolves you were with?"

"I don't think so," Ettore replied.

"I need to get in contact with Allister and Alfonso to make the rest of this plan work." Vincenzo left the office in search of Allister and Alfonso.

Analyn hung up the phone, a meek look on her face, "they said they'd take you in. I can't believe the moment you're back you have to leave again." Ettore pulled his mother in for a hug, breathing in her lavender-scented shampoo, he forgot how calming it was. Ever since he was young he remembered breathing in the lavender scent whenever he was upset, scared, or just had trouble sleeping. 

"You reak," his mother said with a small chuckle as she wiped away a tear. "You should go clean up and pack a few things, you'll be leaving tonight." And he did just that.

That night, as Ettore boarded a small jet King Vincenzo Lupo was announcing the tragic death of his beloved son and the future king, Prince Ettore Lupo. 

Ettore watched the familiar land of Italy soon turned into open water, then Spain, before turning to open water again. He sat back in his seat, reclining it as he closed his eyes. What was going to happen to him? Would he be able to return someday or would he be stuck in Montana, unable to ever see his parents again?

Salvatore charged into Queen Analyn's study, anger evident in his eyes. "He's dead?!"

She set down her book and sat up in her lounge chair, "please don't remind me of this travesty, Sal, I'm heartbroken enough already." 

"Bullshit," he growled, leaning in closer to her, "I can't even smell the remnants of salty tears on your face. You're lying Analyn, where is he?"

"He's far away," she stated, "you'll never find him." They both fell silent as Vincenzo opened the door. 

"Salvatore," he greeted dully. 

"Vincenzo. Where is Ettore?"

"He's dead. Leave Analyn and me alone, we need to grieve on our own terms."

"You two are pathetic!" Salvatore spat, his beast edging towards the surface, wanting nothing but to rip their faces off. 

"Guards!" Vincenzo shouted, moments later a group of guards burst into the study and grabbed Salvatore dragging him out. 

"You're not worthy of the crown, Vincenzo! The position of king is for the lycans!" Vincenzo stomped out after him, his eyes flashing silver. 

"You're banished, Salvatore! If you dare to even have the audacity to think of returning I will rip your spine out myself." 

"Mark my words Vincenzo Lupo, I will return, and I will have that crown that rests upon your head!"

"Over my dead body."

"I'll make their heads roll, and you'll be the first!" Salvatore called out from the bottom of the stairs, the guards had dragged him to. 

The guards tossed him out of the court's massive gates and left him to his own devices. Salvatore got up from the ground and let out an irritated puff of air, he'd hunt Ettore down if it were the last thing he'd do. All he had to do was find out exactly where he had been sent to. 

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