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I did not want to go to classes tomorrow. After the whole claiming fiasco, all the other students seemed terrified of me. I was still trying to wrap my head around the whole thing, all the other girls in my dorm ignored me and I just went to bed feeling numb. My parents hardly said anything, they said they loved me and were proud of me. Then they left. I don't blame them, it was a huge shock to everyone. I was the first person to be claimed by Caspian in over eighty years. I fell asleep that night with silent tears streaming down my face. 


When I walked into the breakfast hall, I could hear people start to whisper. Whenever we have meals, we have to sit with the people who were claimed by the same God and have the same powers. Food was already laid out across all the tables, and people could just grab what they wanted onto their plates. There were long tables with benches for all of the Gods, I walked past Aria, Lionel, Kalama, Beck, Gianna, Kai, and finally at the end of the room there was Caspian. Caspian's table was a small black table with a two small benches on each side. The teachers were eating breakfast at the front of the room, I recognise Mrs. Lowe sitting up there but none of the other teachers. 

I take a large breath before sitting down. I hear the older students from the other tables saying things like "I heard she was claimed by Caspian last night!" There was fruit, toast, eggs, bacon, and juice set out on the my table. I grab a slice of toast and smear some butter on it. I don't think I could manage to eat anything else. 

"Hello everyone and welcome back to a new school year!" Yells a woman standing on a small elevated podium. "As most of you may know I am Ms. Murphy your principal, and I just wanted to welcome all of the new students this year." I see her glance over at me and I feel the need to roll my eyes. 

"I hope you all have a good first day, I'll see you all during dinner. Oh! All first years stay here after breakfast is over."

I finish the rest of my toast and pull out my timetable, the first lesson I had was supposed to be an introduction lesson to my new powers. But I'm the only person on this planet that was claimed by Caspian. How's that going to work? I look up at the teachers, should I go ask them or something? Or will they tell me what's going on? Suddenly someone sits down in front of me. 

"Hey there Odette." It was Jude.

"Hi Jude." I say looking up at him, we were all wearing the school uniform. He was wearing a tie, trousers, and sweater. While I wore a skirt, tie and button up shirt. 

"So, you made quite the entrance yesterday." He says smirking at me. 

"You could say that... Jude I have no idea what this means! Sure I've heard all the stories and prophecies about the Gods. But I hardly know anything about what it means for me now that I've been claimed by one of the most powerful Gods in the universe!" I say, my voice clearly desperate. I hardly knew Jude, but he was the only person who tried to talk to me and I needed to vent.

"Calm down Odette, you're just like everyone else. Just with... different powers." Jude says. 

"I know but-" I didn't know how to put my thoughts into words. 

"If you want we can do some research in the library about the previous disciples of Caspian?" 

"Yeah, that sounds good." 

"After-school today?" He asks. 

"Yeah sure." 

Breakfast is over, we waited for all the other students to leave while all the first years stayed here. Jude went back to his table, I now realise that he's sitting at Gianna's table. 

"Okay everyone! We need to sort you into magic classes based on who you were claimed by. So can all of you claimed by Aria all follow Mr Welsh!"
I watch all the airheads go and follow Mr Welsh to his classroom. 

"All claimed by Lionel follow Ms Reyes here..." 

The principal Ms Murphy continues to dismiss everyone, and of course I was going to be last. 

"All claimed by Gianna go follow Ms Ellie." I see Jude get up to go follow her and he sends me a small smile before walking out. Ms. Murphy dismisses all those claimed by Kai. 

Suddenly I'm the only student here with a bunch of teachers staring at me. 

"Odette, why don't you come up here." Ms Murphy says, a friendly smile plastered on her face. "I know you must feel very alone and confused as to why Caspian claimed you, but everything happens for a reason. "

I don't reply and continue to look at her expectantly. 

"So instead Mr. Faye is going to help you with embracing and learning your new powers." 

I look towards where she is pointing, Mr. Faye was a nice looking man with thinning auburn hair and thick rimmed glasses. 

"Remember Odette, you were claimed by arguably the most powerful God.  I need you to be aware that you shouldn't abuse your power, or try to do something...... bad." 

I accidently scoff aloud, and the teachers look at me in shock. I quickly try to cover it up, "I wouldn't do anything like that I assure you." I say nodding at Mrs. Murphy who gives me a tight smile. 

"Right, well I better be off, we all have classes to teach so I'll see you later Ms Parks." I mutter a goodbye to Ms Murphy and the other teachers who were there walk off. I turn back to Mr Faye. 

"Come with me." 

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