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When I opened my eyes, my ears were ringing violently. The cell had been destroyed, as well as almost all the other cells in the prison Harry had kept us in. I look over to my right to see Caspian slowly crawling to one of the guards who was lying motionless on the floor. He was finding the key to unlock the chain around his wrists and ankles. 

I stir uncomfortably, my head was pounding and the ringing in my ears was slowly subsiding. 

"What happened?" I murmur, my throat dry and croaky. Caspian was already unlocking his cuffs.

He looked at me, just realising I had woken up from whatever had happened. He shifted over to me on his hands and knees, now free from the handcuffs. "I don't really know, I felt something strong in my chest... Like all my power and strength was being... Shifted to you... As if something between us bonded." 

I look at him blankly, not knowing what the hell he was saying or what had happened. 

"Look forget about it, we'll figure it out later. Let's get the hell out of here!" Caspian moved to un-cuff me, I slowly sat up, almost feeling normal again. 

"Are you okay? Can you stand?" Caspian asks me hurriedly, his eyes filled with concern.

I look down at my leg, dried blood trickled down it. I now realise the achy feeling in my stomach, and the memory of Harry beating me up. I couldn't even imagine how horrible I looked. "I probably look like absolute shit right now." 

Caspian laughed quietly, "come on let's go."  

I slowly try to stand up, I end up having to lean on Caspian for support. I wrap my arm around his slim yet strong shoulders. Everyone else in the prison cells were passed out, Harry was lying on his back, a weird looking torture device loosely grasped in his hand. Caspian leans down and takes off the purple amulet around his neck. Before he shadow travels us outside the castle walls.

It was dawn. Caspian had taken us to the outskirts of the town of Erian, more specifically, a hill we had walked over when we first arrived here. When we shared our first kiss. I suddenly remember the way we had admitted our love for each other before the blast. I tensed up, what was going to happen now? It's not like we can just date normally or anything... He's a God! I'm just a normal elf. 

"I guess we should destroy this necklace before anything else happens." Caspian exclaims, holding the necklace up against the warm hue of the rising sun. 

"Yeah, how are we going to do that?" 

"Like this:" Caspian drops the necklace on the floor, and then grabs my hand in his. I look at him quizzically but he just smiles back. Then I instantly understand what he was talking about moments before, the surging energy flowing through both of us, connecting and uniting us together. Another blast of energy is set off, but this one is smaller and more controlled. And when I open my eyes the purple amulet has been broken into a million pieces. 

I felt dizzy, drained, exhausted, and hungry. And before I knew it, the darkness had enveloped me once again. But I didn't fight it, I welcomed the unknown, the darkness, and the pain. Before I slipped off into unconsciousness, I hear Caspian's sweet voice whisper. "You did it, my Countess of Darkness."


Once what's shrouded is revealed, the true leader shall mark an age of pain and the rise of new evil. The countess of darkness must bring forth dawn, and a forbidden relationship will help forbid war.


When I awoke, I was back in the Academy's infirmary. The harsh lights blind me for a second before they adjust, a figure loomed over me, it was Jude. 

"Hi, how are you feeling?"He questions with a sad smile. 

"Okay... I think... What's going on? What's happening?" 

"Well you passed out because you were so drained. Basically, Ms Murphy, the police, and the Council of Elves all came to Erian and captured Harry and everyone who worked with him. And Luna managed to grab this huge purple stone that Harry was planning on using to steal everyone's powers. The Council of Elves have it now, they're going to get rid of it so that no one will ever find it and use it again."

I take it all in, I did it, everyone was okay, "what about all the powers that Harry stole? Do people have their powers back now?" 

"Yeah, since you and Caspian destroyed it, the powers trapped inside it were released and everyone gained their powers back." 

"Oh okay, that's great. Where's Caspian?" 

Jude gave me a weary look before replying, "umm he went back to the other Gods and Goddesses. You know, to talk about your whole relationship situation..." 

"Oh." Is all I manage to reply. 

"Yeah, sorry for laying all of this on you now, especially since you just woke up. But you and Caspian have a meeting with the Council of Elves as well as all the Gods and Goddesses next week. To hear what you both have to say and make a decision about... Everything."

I was taken aback by this news, I was so overwhelmed. My heart beat out of my chest, my breathing quickened. Before I knew it I couldn't even breathe. Jude is trying to talk to me but I can't hear him, a nurse appears out of nowhere to try to calm me down. It takes a few minutes for me to breathe normally again, I stopped trembling and my heart slowed. 

"It's okay Odette, I know you've been through a lot but relax. You'll be okay." The nurse says in a smooth and calming voice. 

A few hours later my parents come rushing in, and I finally feel like they've accepted me for who I am. They apologise profusely and my brother kept on saying how happy he was to see me. Luna came in a little later, and so did Mr Faye and Ms Murphy. So by the end of the say I was so tired I fell asleep the second I laid back on the hospital bed.


Another chapter! Yay!
I hope you guys liked it, a lot is happening and theres still more to come! I think there will be three or four more chapters and this story is over!

Thank you for everyone who's been commenting, voting, and reading this book! 
So yeah, don't forget to vote and comment your predictions for the final chapters :)

-Sophie xo

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