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Please forgive me for my horrible ability to update regularly! Enjoy this chapter :)

It was the next day, obviously Caspian and I were still locked up in prison cells. They hadn't given us any food or water, and I felt as if I could die of thirst at any second. We hardly spoke, only a few remarks here and there.

It wasn't until what I thought was midday when Harry graced us with his presence.

"Hola! Did you sleep well?" Harry asked as as he cackled along to his own joke.

"It was wonderful," Caspian replied sarcastically. He had an insane look on his face, he was grinning widely, his eyes dancing. It kind of scared me.

"I'm sorry guys, normally I would just steal your powers. But since I have the most powerful elves in my possession I think it's appropriate to enjoy myself... And! Give a warning to all the other pathetic elves thinking they can overtake me!"

Caspian started to laugh, now I was really worried.

" You're gonna torture me? Really? I'm Caspian, God of fucking darkness and pain. I'm practically immune to your pesky human torture devices."

This time it was Harry's turn to smile,"well if you're so immune to it I'll have to use Odette instead. She may be claimed by you, but she doesn't have that same ability."

Caspian's face instantly paled, "you fuckin' psycho! I'm gonna kill you the second I get the bloody chance!"

Harry tsked, "bring me my things." he states to the guards behind him who walk off. This was not going to be good, I could feel the tears welling in my eyes. Pure fear expanding in my chest.

"No no no! You can't!" Caspian shouted hysterically, I gave him a sad smile.

"You can't do anything to stop him, it's okay." I say, accepting my fate Caspian just looks at me with wide, scared eyes.

Harry returns a second later with a tray full of torture devices and tools. I didn't even want to look at what they were. I closed my eyes and tried to steady my breath, it was okay, it was all going to be okay. I told myslef over and over again.

I feel a surge of pain coming from my leg and laughter coming from Harry. I felt the warm blog trickling down to my knee. My entire body was on fire, my chest ached, I heard my bones crack, I screamed in agony. I wanted to pass out. But suddenly it stopped, I opened my eyes against the harsh lights in the cell. Caspian. He was the first thing I saw, tears ran down his pale cheeks. He started to scream at Harry over and over again, cursing at him, begging him to torture himself and not me.

Harry picked up another knife, oh Gods, please no.

"Odette look at me!" Caspian yelled out desperately. I met his eyes, full of emotion and anger.

"Just know, whatever happens, I'm here, please I-- I love you..." He whispered the last part, but I heard it so clearly it was ringing in my ears.

Energy surged through me, determination, "I love you too..." I mutter sincerely.

Of course Harry had to cut in, "haha, that's hilarious! A million year old God is in love with one of the elves he claimed? Brilliant!" He cackled and taunted some more.

I felt my body heave with anger, Caspian looked like he could snap Harry's throat.

It was as if the room had been struck like lightning, because the next thing I know, I see a flash of blue light before getting blown backwards.


Sorry that it was quite a short chapter, but I wanted to get something written and up! I promise we are getting to the end of the story now, and I'll be posting a new chapter soon!
Xo - Sophie

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