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"Why are you here? The Gods hardly ever come down to Earth." I say to Caspian, I climbed out of the window and softly closed it behind me. Sitting opposite to Caspian. 

"Listen sweetheart, I do not have a lot of time. So listen." 


"I know you have a lot of questions.." 

"Yeah no shit! Why did you choose me?!" 

"There's that fire I like! Anyway, that's not why I'm here. I am here to warn you."

"About what?" 

"About some of your classmates, when your powers develop you're going to be the strongest one in this academy. Stronger than your teachers." Caspian says calmly. 

"So what?" I mutter. 

"So, people are going to get jealous. They're going to want to do harm you, or something much worse. But you're strong Odette, fierce, powerful. Don't forget that." 

"Why did you come here to tell me this?" I ask carefully. 

"I wanted to help you, but I'm not allowed to help directly. So that's why I'm telling you this. Trust your gut and make sure you're around people you can trust." He says before standing up. 

I stand up as well, "I need more information, on other things." 

"I'll explain later, I don't have time right now." 

A second later he's gone, I rake my hands through my messy hair and climb back inside my dorm. This was going to be an interesting year. 


A week later during my English lesson I felt the burning again, Jude told me that he feels tonnes of emotions and thoughts as he walks through school. We both often go to hang out at the library, away from everything. I haven't told him I met Caspian yet, but I do tell him about the burning and the small surges of energy I feel. I was sitting next to him in English right now. 

"I'm burning." I whisper to him as our teacher continues talking about Macbeth. Jude touches my forehead but then flinches at the heat and pulls away. 

"No fucking way." He says sarcastically, I roll my eyes. "Do you need to go have a shower or something?" 

"No, I'll be fine." But I'm not fine, the burning gets worse. I end up taking off my school sweater and try to calm my breathing down. I'm still wearing my gloves and I have the urge to just rip them off. But then a pang of energy erupts throughout my entire body. I start to shake in my seat.

"Odette? Are you alright dear?" Ms Reyes my teacher asks me. 

"I need to go." I announce as I grab all my stuff and run out of the room. I hear some people giggling as I hastily run down the corridor. I run straight into the dormitory bathrooms and jump into the freezing cold shower while I still had all my clothes on. The burning was slowly stopping and I sighed in relief. 

"Ew what the hell are you doing?" I whip my head around to see Penelope, who was also in the same dorm as me. I heard someone talking about her on the first day I was here, she wanted to be claimed by Aria... and guess what? She was. 

"Sorry, it's just that with my powers developing I start to feel as if I'm burning-" 

"I don't care!" She cuts me off harshly and I narrow my eyes at her. What was her problem? "Just get out." She says as she crosses her arms. 

I step out of the shower soaking wet, I grab a towel from the cupboard and go back to my dorm. I hurriedly change out of my wet uniform and replace it with a clean one. I check the time to see it's time for lunch. Perfect. 

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