8) Gran's Surprise

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There was nothing Hayley wanted more than to ditch school and be on spring break already.  Actually, there was something she wanted more—to find out what Gran was “researching”—but school was so emotionally and mentally draining that she couldn’t function enough to work at her after-school job properly.

            Hayley was a waitress at the Coco’s restaurant a few blocks from her apartment.  She worked six days a week and earned a fair amount of pay, enough to buy herself groceries, clothing, and other necessities.  Her parents paid her rent, though she hadn’t talked to them since Christmas.  They weren’t exactly on speaking terms, which was why Hayley took comfort in living close to her grandmother.

            After wiping down her last table and heading to the bathroom to change out of her work clothes, Hayley headed home to her apartment.  She was beyond tired, so when her phone suddenly came to life with its ringtone, she answered it reluctantly.

            “Honey, I’ve got some big news.”  Of course it was Gran, who else would be calling her at this time of night?

            “Why are you still awake?” Hayley asked groggily.

            “I took a nap earlier.  I’m so excited to tell you the news.”

            “I’ll bite.  What news?”

            “Are you on your way home from work?”


            “Stop by my place and I’ll tell you.”  It was hard not to miss the excitement in Gran’s voice.  “See you in a few, sweetheart.”

            “Hang on, what are you—?” Hayley groaned when she got cut off when Gran ended the call.  “After all these years, she still has the nerve,” she grumbled, shoving her phone back into her purse.  Her neck felt oddly naked without a camera strap hanging from it.  She made a mental note to stop by her apartment first before going to Gran’s.  The surprise can wait, she told herself.

            Once she reached her apartment complex, she unlocked her front door and strode inside.  She dropped her work clothes on the kitchen table, trading them for her camera.  As soon as she swung the strap around her neck, she felt much better and resumed her walk to Gran’s.

            “Alright, spill,” she said when she pushed open the door to Gran’s apartment.

            Gran smiled.  She had been pacing back and forth in the living room, the same travel magazine in her hand from yesterday.  She held it out for her granddaughter to see.  “Take a look.”

            Hayley stretched out her tan fingers.  Her gaze flitted over Gran’s face.  Obviously, Gran was worked up about something—maybe she was planning a vacation?—and Hayley’s curiosity was at its max.  She snatched the magazine and didn’t even bother to sit down as she flipped through the pages.

            “124,” Gran said, pointing to one of the dog-eared corners.

            Hayley obediently flipped to the appropriate page.  She drank in every word the magazine said—something about a boat adventure through the Florida Keys.  Her excited smile, lit up by curiosity, slowly dissolved into a puzzled frown.  “What’s this?” she asked, finally tearing her gaze off the page to look at Gran.

            “It’s what I’ve been researching,” she said, breathless with anticipation.  “Just look.”  She pointed with a gnarled finger at headline: Queen Floridian Boat Tours.  “It would only be for one week, with daily stops along various islands, and all the sun and sea you could imagine.  It’s perfect!”

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