18) Of Magic Maps and Scallop Shells

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Even though Jack’s note had specifically told Hayley not to worry, she found it impossible to do otherwise.  Clyde and his men had guns.  Jack was unarmed.  Who knew what they were doing to him in Clyde’s quarters?

            She shuddered just thinking about it.  The next day, as she headed upstairs to the dining hall for lunch, she was so immersed in her thoughts that she didn’t hear the footsteps behind her.  Suddenly, a large, meaty hand clamped over her mouth.  Her eyes grew wide with fear when the cold barrel of a gun pressed into the small of her back.

            “Keep walking,” the man said, just low enough for Hayley to pick out his Spanish accent.  “We’re going up on deck.”

            Hayley’s hands shook as she followed the man’s orders.  Though his gun was put away and he was following at a farther distance, she was too afraid to make a run for it.  She made her way across the deck to the railing, where she stood waiting for directions.

            The Spaniard came up beside her.  “See that island?”

            Hayley nodded numbly.  Already some of the passengers were piling into rowboats, ready to be ferried onshore.  Many were eager to visit the final island before returning to the harbor tomorrow morning.  Those who had yet to eat lunch were milling about the deck, but nobody was suspicious of Hayley and the surly-looking man next to her.

            “That’s where you’re goin’,” he said in a low voice.

            Hayley’s face twitched in surprise.  What?

            “Once you see Clyde, meet him in one of the boats and stay there.  He’ll tell you what to do next.”

            I’m going to the island? What happened to staying on The Queen Francis? What happened to all those death threats?

            “Did you hear me?”

            “Yes,” Hayley squeaked.

            The Spaniard backed off, just far enough away to still assert his presence and remind Hayley not to goof off.  She watched the other passengers until her eyes alighted on Clyde.  Jack and two other men were with them.  Hayley sucked in a deep breath and made her way across the deck.

            “Nice of you to join us, Cat Eyes,” Clyde said with a sour laugh.  Hayley didn’t reply.  When she glanced over at Jack, his features nearly took her breath away.  He was obviously wearing makeup to cover a beastly black eye and several bruises.  Hayley’s stomach clenched.

            “It’s not as bad as it looks,” he whispered.  Before Hayley could reply, they were hustled into a rowboat and separated by one of Clyde’s men.  They were off to the island.

■   ■   ■   ■

Once on shore, Clyde set off for a secluded part of the beach.  He made sure no tourists or crew were watching before disappearing around a bank, out of sight.  Jack and Hayley, forced to follow him, jogged across the sand with the Spaniard and Sully right behind them.

            Unlike Jack’s island, this isle was significantly smaller and had less foliage.  It was just a rolling mound of sand dotted with a few palm trees and bushes.  Large boulders made for convenient hiding places, however, and Clyde made sure his group went undetected.

            Finally, underneath the shade of a palm, he bent down and looked Jack squarely in the eye.  “I kept my part of the deal,” he growled.  “Now it’s your turn.”

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