14) Convergence

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Hayley quickly shut her mouth, the last traces of her scream echoing through the jungle.  All of a sudden, time seemed to freeze, as if nature was considering whether or not Hayley’s scream was a threat.  A few moments later, insects resumed their buzzing and a gentle breeze started to blow.

            On the other side of the clearing, Jack remained startled.  He would recognize that face anywhere.  Slowly, cautiously, he peeled back a palm frond and crawled into the clearing.  He stood up, his 6-foot frame dwarfing Hayley’s petite one.  He kept his distance while taking in every feature, from her vibrant green eyes to her toned, tan skin.

            “Hayley Slade,” he said quietly.

            She jumped, startled by his voice.  She instinctively backed away a few feet, eyes narrowed.  “You know me?” she hissed.

            “We went to school together.”  As soon as the words left Jack’s tongue, he realized how silly that sounded.  School? He hadn’t gone to school in years.  High school seemed like a thing of the past—a distant past he hardly remembered nor cared to remember.  Yet here was the one person he did remember.  His cheeks flushed appropriately.

            Hayley forced a laugh.  “Um, sorry, but I don’t remember you.”  She backed up a couple more feet.  “I think I’m going to leave now…”

            Jack realized how different he must look.  Not only had it been years since he graduated from high school, but he knew his features had been significantly altered from living on a deserted island for six months.  His skin had darkened, his muscles had become more developed, and he was proudly sporting a caveman-style beard and raggedy hair.  He surprised both himself and Hayley by laughing out loud.

            “I look like a freak, don’t I?” he asked.

            Hayley let her guard drop for a second.  “Well, there’s that, and the fact that your voice sounds like a record scratch.”

            He grinned.  “Jack Patterson,” he said, sticking out a hand.

            Hayley glanced over at the dirt-caked fingers and dark, leathery skin.  She wracked her memory for a Jack Patterson.  The name surprisingly sounded familiar, but she couldn’t connect it with the wild face in front of her.  Tentatively, she shook his hand, wiping the dirt off on her shorts a few seconds later.  “What school did you go to?” she demanded.

            “Orange Grove High,” he said without missing a beat.

            Hayley’s eyebrows shot up.  So we did go to school together!  “Wow.  How’d you end up here?”

            “It’s a long story.”

            “I bet.”

            “You still don’t remember me, do you?”

            “Sorry, but you don’t look familiar at all.  Your name rings a bell, but I can’t remember anything else.”

            Jack sighed and hung his head.  “Um, okay.  How about this: picture a kid with blonde hair, blue eyes, and fair skin, about five foot ten.”

            “That doesn’t narrow it down much.”

            He winced.  “Right.  Well, you probably don’t remember me anyway.  I was awkward.  Unsocial.  Not athletic or sporty in any way.”

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