Chapter 7: Riddle Me This, Riddle Me That

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"Firs' years! Firs' years over here!"

Harry carefully eyed the giant - Hagrid, he recalled, the drunk - whom his father had been following in Diagon Alley. He made sure to linger in the back of the crowd so to remain as inconspicuous as possible. Draco and Hermione were on either side of him and Isis shuffled around his legs, meowing loudly.

There was nothing seemingly important about the giant of a man, or special, if looking like an unkempt vagabond didn't count. His speech gave away the fact that he was very uneducated, if not just dumb. Even so, he appeared to be friendly, smiling kindly down at the children, all of whom seemed intimidated by him.

Harry mentally shrugged. His father hadn't actually told him to spy (he had Severus Snape for that), but he might keep an eye out for anything unusual. Voldemort himself hadn't set foot on Hogwarts' grounds since the seventies, or so Harry had heard. Dumbledore had apparently warded specifically against his magical signature, making the place a stronghold for the 'Light'.


Harry glanced over his shoulder in Pansy Parkinson's direction. She was gingerly holding a black and silver snake an arm's length away from her body, looking at it as if she firmly believed it would kill her at any moment.

"Is this yours?" she asked nervously. "Blaise found it in our compartment a bit after you left and we thought that since you can talk to them that it probably-"

"He's mine," Harry interrupted impatiently, glancing over at Hermione. Thankfully, she seemed to be busy cooing at the cat and not paying attention. Broadcasting the fact one was a Parseltongue was never a good idea, especially to someone who'd probably only ever read about Dark Wizards having the ability. It would inevitably lead to instant stereotyping. Accurate stereotyping, actually, but she didn't need to know that yet.

He held out his arm and the snake quickly coiled loosely around it, leaving Pansy looking relieved.

"C'mon, follow me - any more firs' years? Mind yer step, now! Firs' years, follow me!" Hagrid motioned them all to follow him and began walking up a hill.

Harry scowled as he slipped and stumbled up the steep, narrow path. It was very undignified and it was so dark he couldn't see two feet in front of him. His father hadn't warned him about this, or else he might have worn boots that were appropriate for hiking. The expensive pair that were currently on his feet weren't designed for any type of outdoor activity, and he knew they'd be ruined by the time they arrived at the school. That was six hundred galleons and a good first impression down the drain.

"Yeh'll get yer firs' sight o' Hogwarts in a sec," the giant called over his shoulder. "It's amazing when yeh see it."

As predicted, a few seconds later a sudden chorus of 'Oooohs' twittered throughout the crowd. Even Harry couldn't keep himself from making an awed exclamation. The castle before them, with its windows sparkling in the sky and many turrets and towers, was a magnificent sight to behold.

After a minute, Hagrid decided it was time for them to move on and led them down to the bank of a wide lake, which looked inky black and utterly endless in the darkness.

Harry almost shivered.

"No more'n four to a boat!" the giant called, gesturing to a line of rowboats near the shore.

Harry, Draco, Hermione, and Blaise Zabini crowded into one of the small boats. Isis made herself comfortable on Harry's lap, hissing when Blaise tried to pet her.

"Everyone in? Right then - FORWARD!"

Harry nervously tried not to move at all so as not to shake the boat and gritted his teeth anytime it jostled on its own - he had never learned how to swim and was praying to every deity he knew that the boat would not topple over and drown him.

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