Chapter 14: It Wasn't Very Slytherin Of Him

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Headmaster Dumbledore leaned back against his chair and looked across his desk at Professor Snape.

"Well? How did he stop the troll?"

"There is evidence that Riddle may have used the Cruciatus Curse to originally drop the troll and then cast Wingardium Leviosa on its club to knock it unconscious."

"The Cruciatus? He can already use the torture curse? And he can cast one powerful enough to drop a fully grown mountain troll?" Dumbledore clicked his tongue. "I think it begs the question of how many other Unforgivables he knows. He could be dangerous to the other children."

"He's only eleven, Headmaster. I doubt he will go on a killing spree anytime soon-"

"You seem to be awfully quick to defend a boy who you claimed to have no knowledge of before the Sorting Ceremony."

Severus shrugged the Headmaster's comment off. "I only think that it would be prudent to keep the boy within Hogwarts, where you can watch him."

The headmaster popped a lemon drop into his mouth and sucked on it for several moments before speaking. "It wasn't a very Slytherin thing to do, was it, Severus?"

Snape looked at him oddly. "What?"

"Running into a bathroom with no preparation to save a girl he barely knew. A muggleborn at that. Not very Slytherin of him."

Severus slowly shook his head. "No, no, I guess it wasn't."

"Not something Tom would have ever done." Dumbledore picked up another lemon drop. "I would describe it as something that a . . . Gryffindor might do."

"It would have taken a large amount of courage and bravery. Reckless bravery," the potions professor said cautiously.

"Gryffindor traits. Now, where would Tom Marvolo Riddle's son, an heir of Slytherin, have gotten the audacious courage and foolish bravery of a Gryffindor?"

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