Chapter 24: Interlude in Little Hangleton

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"We're lost."

"That bloody detour threw me off," said Giles Evans, scowling.

"Stop the car."

He hit his foot to the brake, causing the car to come to a screeching halt on the mostly-deserted country road.

Nadia Evans quickly opened the glove compartment and pulled out a map. After unfolding it and looking over it for several long minutes, she finally announced:

"I'm not sure. You might've taken a wrong turn a long while back . . ."

Giles moved to turn the car around, but his wife's voice stopped him.

"We can ask directions in the town ahead of us," she said, still looking at the map.

"What town?" he demanded, leaning over to look at the map as well.

"Little Hangleton," she said impatiently, pointing to a small dot on the map.

"Aren't we supposed to be in Howlett?" asked Petunia Dursley from the backseat.

"William just had to move last year, didn't he?" said Giles to no one in particular.

"Your brother can never stay in any one place for more than two years," Nadia muttered, still scrutinizing the map.

"But then why must his daughter suddenly decide she had to get married the same year they move?"

"Why do we have to attend?" demanded Vernon, sneering.

"Because we didn't go to his other daughter's wedding."

"We went to his son's wedding the year before that," he countered. "Bloody relatives," he hissed under his breath.

Nadia tapped on the windshield with one red fingernail. "Go on to the town. It's only a little ways up."

Giles' foot pressed down on the gas petal.

Nadia Rose Evans, age 57, was a pretty woman with brownish-red hair and blue eyes. She was a caring and loving mother and grandmother with an outgoing personality and a sweet disposition, who always seemed to be upbeat and happy. Of course, a lot of that happiness may have come from the antidepressants she had been on for the last decade.

You see, Nadia was the mother of two daughters, Petunia and Lily.

Petunia, the oldest, was a rather unattractive girl with an even less attractive personality. She embodied the word ordinary. She had ordinary brown hair, ordinary brown eyes, was an ordinary height, an ordinary weight, and she had lived an ordinary life.

Lily, the younger daughter, was decidedly the opposite of her sister, as she was completely within the realm of the extraordinary. She had red hair, shocking green eyes, and an outgoing personality. But their looks and personalities weren't the only differences between the sisters.

Petunia was an ordinary Anglican.

Lily was a witch.

Lily even went to a special school that taught magic. She rode on a broomstick, wore a pointed hat, brewed potions, and carried a wand. She'd even had a black cat at one time.

Nadia couldn't have been more proud.

Lily had eventually married and had a son named Harry. But something horrible had happened.

Lily and her family were murdered by an evil, evil man known as Lord Voldemort.

Nadia had been torn apart once she received the news.

But, life had to go on. She had another daughter and another grandson. She had finally managed to put the worst of it behind her.

Not that she didn't ever think about Lily and Harry.

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