Chapter 22: Backstory of a Professor's Dog

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Things couldn't have been worse.

Filch took them down to McGonagall's study on the first floor, where they sat and waited without saying a word to each other. Hermione was trembling. Neville looked like he was about to burst into tears. Even Draco appeared to be agitated and nervous. Excuses, alibis, and wild cover up stories chased each other around in Harry's brain, all more feeble than the previous one. They were caught and there was no way he could explain any of it. McGonagall was obviously going to ask why they had been outside, but Harry couldn't very well say that they'd been spying on a professor, could he, even if he told her about the dragon? He wondered how his father had managed during school - the man was the image of the perfect student, yet if what Bellatrix said was true, he even murdered someone while he was attending Hogwarts, yet he never got caught.

But, of course, Tom Marvolo Riddle was a genius - Harry definitely didn't think of himself as a genius.

Harry straightened up in his chair as the door creaked open and Professor McGonagall entered, followed by Ronald Weasley.

Harry glared at the redhead. The Gryffindor just smiled patronizingly.

McGonagall sat down in the chair behind her desk. Harry spoke before she could, though.

"Where's my head of house? In fact, where are their heads of houses?" He gestured to Hermione and Neville.

"I do not recall any rule which states that the only teachers that can discipline students are their heads of houses, Mr. Riddle," she replied, her voice barely civil. "I refuse to call Professor Snape, as all he will give you is a slap on the wrist!"

"You have every right to discipline us, Professor, during class. But our heads of houses should be alerted if their students are misbehaving. I believe it is clearly stated in the Hogwarts rules. After all, how can we expect you to be fair if our heads of houses aren't supervising? You are the Head of Gryffindor - Draco and I are Slytherin, Hermione is a Ravenclaw, and Neville is a Hufflepuff. I believe it's my right to have Professor Snape here if I so wish."

McGonagall looked like she was barely restraining herself from taking out her wand and hexing Harry's mouth off, but she managed to stiffly grab some floo powder and throw it in the fire.

Several minutes later, Professors Snape, Flitwick, and Sprout crowded into the office, standing around McGonagall's desk.

"Whatever is going on?" Flitwick asked, still in his long dressing gown and night cap.

"Mister Riddle, Mister Malfoy, Mister Longbottom, and Miss Granger were all outside the castle after curfew!"

The three Professors all spun around to stare at them.

"I'm disgusted," McGonagall continued. "Four students out of bed in one night! I've never heard of such a thing before!"

"Miss. Granger!" Flitwick exclaimed. "I thought you would've had better sense than this! Twenty - no - fifty points from Ravenclaw and a detention!"

Hermione's lip trembled and she hung her head in shame.

"I - I - Mister Longbottom!" Sprout stuttered. She pulled her nightgown tighter around herself. "I am shocked and appalled! Fifty points and a detention as well!"

Neville sniffled, his shoulders shaking.

"Well - I'm shocked that you both were stupid enough to go outside at night," Severus began. He was the only professor fully dressed. "Especially these days, it's very dangerous-"

"I believe that Mr. Riddle is the ringleader!" McGonagall cut in, interrupting Snape.

"-Fifty points from both of you. Detention, as well."

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