Ch.7 Who are you?

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A/N- I love this song and it goes with this chapter well.

~Sage's POV~

I sit in the waiting room for hours. Waiting for them to say we can see her. Marie should be back soon with coffee.

What if Eden doesn't make it? She will, I tell myself. What if she turns out like Valerie. Valerie's okay. You didn't get to her in time though, now she has to learn to walk all again. I know.

I hope I made it in time. I hope Eden's okay. I hope she won't hate me like Valerie did.

Does she still hate me? I should call her soon. I make a mental note to call Valerie as Marie comes back with the much needed coffee. I've been sitting here for about 3 hours. They say she's still in surgery.

"Hey, she's going to be fine." Marie says. I look at her, I really need her to be okay. If I loose her I'll go back to the dark place I was in before I met her. Eden brought me out of it. I am even trying to distance myself from the gang, but that's harder than it seems.

"Any one here for Eden Holland?" A nurse says, to see if anyone's here for her. I bolt up out of my chair and practically run over to the nurse. Marie follows close behind.

"How are you related to Ms. Holland?" The nurse asks. I stay silent and I'm so thankful for Marie being here.

"He's her boyfriend and I'm his sister." I'm so thankful for Marie's quick thinking. The nurse nods and looks at the papers in her hand.

"She flatlined for a good 2 minutes," She starts, my heart sinks to my feet and I feel Marie place her hand in mine and give it a reassuring squeeze. I squeeze her hand back, That has been our way of telling each other we are here for each other since we were 8.

"We were able to start her heart again, but due to her heart stopping, and blood flow halting, we don't know if that affected her brain or not."

"Wh-what does that mean?" I ask, feeling extremely scared of the answer. I tighten my hold on Marie's hand.

"That means, we don't know if all of her memories are intact or not. She also seemed to have some traumatic experiences that lead to the injuries so, her brain might lock away memories due to how traumatic they are. Depending on how long you've known her and how significant you are or were in her life will determine if she remembers you or not. I'm sorry. You can see her now, room 2504, she's asleep."

"Thank you." I say and rush off to find the room.






I hesitate at the door. The memories of Valerie come flooding back.

I walk into Val's hospital room. She sees me.

"Get out Sage. This is your fault."

"I didn't know they'd be there. I'm really sorry, Val. Please, forgive me?"

"You think I'm going to forgive you!" She laughs, "You did this! It's all your fault that I can't walk! It's your fault that I was at that warehouse when they attacked! And it's your fault that I almost died!"

"Val I'm sorry, I'm so, so, sorry! If I could go back and change what happened, trust me I would! I would take 100 bullets before I intentionally let you get hurt! I love you, I'm sorry!"

"I can't forgive you. Not yet. Maybe not ever. Luckily for me, they say I can do physical therapy and I should be able to walk again in a year or so. But please, I can't look at you right now, please leave." I tear up as I leave. But if me leaving makes her happy, I'll do it.

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