Ch.19 Coma

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~Carter's POV~

The nurse walks over to us and everyone else stands up and I walk up to her. I see Marie dialing Sage. I brace myself.

"Okay, so here's what's going on." She says sadly as her eyes drift down to the clipboard in her hands. "Surgery is all done. She is okay. She is alive, barely. She's in a medically induced coma. We had to do that otherwise her body would've shut down. We aren't even sure if we'll be able to wake her up from it. We have to see how she heals and if her body can handle us waking her up. You can see her in a little bit. But it does have to be one at a time. I'll come and get you when you can start to head up." I let out a sigh. She's alive but still might not make it?

"Oh, and you said her boyfriends a patient here?" The nurse asks. Marie nods.

"Yes, Sage Reed. He's in room 4401." Marie says.

"I'm going to let him see her first." She says smiling at us before walking away. I mumble a 'thank you' and sit back down.

"Hey," a soft voice says. I look up to see Val standing in front of me. "She's going to be okay. Just stop pulling your hair out." She says giggling a little. I hadn't noticed my fingers were wrapped in my hair. Oops, bad habit.

"I know. I'm just worried. If she, dies, it'll be all my fault. I can't lose my best friend after I just got her back." I say. Val looks at me funny. "What?" I ask. She laughs.

"It's obvious that you have feelings for her that stretch beyond friendship." Val says. I feel a light blush climb up my neck.

"No." I say.

"Mmhm. Sure." Val says as she walks away. I know I do have feelings for her but no one can know that. Not until she does, not until her and my brother's relationship is ruined. I almost got her, but my brother's awesome hacker had to figure that out. I told her dad to start working with them. I told him what we were doing. I told him to shoot Sage. It's all my fault. And now the girl I did this all for might die.


~Sage's POV~

"You are all clear to leave the hospital today." The doctor says after he checks all my vitals.

"Really? This soon?" I ask. He nods.

"You're healing well and I have no concerns." He says. Thank god. This means that when I can visit Eden I can actually go without getting trouble with the nurses and doctors. Just as I think that a nurse comes in.

"When you're ready, Eden is in room 3255." She says. I thank her and quickly get changed out of the stupid hospital gown. As soon as I'm changed I book it out of my room and to the elevator. I get on and quickly press the button for the third floor. I ride down anxiously. Right as the door starts opening I'm already half way down the hallway. I walk down the long hall until I find her room.

I open the door and walk in. I see her limp, colorless body on the bed. I go to her side and grab her hand.

"Oh my god." I say tearing up. "I'm so sorry I couldn't protect you." I say while falling to my knees. I press her unusually cold hand against my lips.

"I'm so sorry. I don't know if you can hear me, but I love you so much. Please, please come back to me. I can't lose you. And if you can't come back for me, come back for our friends. They can't live without you either. Please. If you leave, I'm going to be right behind you. Without you I'm all alone. Without you, I'm nothing. I don't have any idea if you feel the same, but please, if you love our friends, or if you loved me at one point, please come back." I beg as tears fall from my eyes. I can't stop the sobs from shaking my body.

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