Ch.21 What If

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I still can't believe I was in a coma for 3 weeks. I can't believe my birthday is in a few weeks. I'm just excited to get out of this hospital. Right now Sage is the only one here. Everyone else went home last night and they're coming back later today. I told Sage that he should go home but he didn't budge.

Sage walks into the room with coffee. It smells heavenly. I usually hate coffee but lately I kind of like it.

"Good morning!" Sage says in an unusually cheerful voice.

"Good morning to you too. What's got you in such a happy mood?" I ask. He hands me my coffee smiling and jumps onto the bed.

"Oh nothing. I just have a surprise for you when you're out of here. Well, actually it's more of a birthday surprise but I can give it to you early." He says.

"What is it?" I ask getting a little excited myself.

"It's a surprise. Surprise." He says dragging out the word. "You know what that is right? You can't know. I know you hate surprises, but I'm not telling you." He says leaning back and sipping his coffee.

"Ugh, can I at least have a hint?" I ask pouting.

"Yes, you can." He says.

"Okay! Give me a hint!"

"Hmmm. Well it's for you." He says.

"Come on Sage." I say crossing my arms.

"I'm not telling you and that's that." He says.

"Fine." He laughs at me and turns on the tv. I can't stay angry at him for long though. He's surprising me. That's nothing to get angry about. My lips pull up into a smile as well.

We sit and watch tv for a while, throwing in conversation. Our friends come at about noon and we all talk about the things that have been happening at school. Apparently, Dominique has a boyfriend. Good for her. Maybe she'll stop flirting with Sage. Not that he enjoys it.

As we are talking about school, the doctor comes in. I've learned that his name is John. None of the others bothered to do this, which is rude. They've just been calling him doctor.

"Hi, John." I say giving him a small wave.

"Morning, Eden. How are you feeling? Any discomfort? Pain?" He asks. I shake my head.

"No, not really. I mean my bullet wounds hurt but that's really all." I say. He nods and writes things down on his clipboard.

"That's normal. Well, everything looks good, I think I will discharge you tomorrow."

"Oh thank you!" I say happily. I can't wait to leave! John leaves and a thought comes to mind.

"Wait, why haven't the police come to talk to me? I was shot. How John so chill about it?" I ask.

"He's the gangs doctor. We pay him to keep quiet if anyone's ever hurt in the gang. Sometimes he comes to the house. We have a medical room there." Sage says.

"Yeah, one time I got shot and he came to the house, patched me right up." Val says. I'm sure I look very shocked right now.

"Welcome to the gang. Every single one of us have been shot." Marie says gesturing to everyone. My mouth drops open.

"Woah. Okay. Cool?" I say. She laughs.

"Yeah. Pretty much." Marie says. "Oh, by the way your birthday party is going to be just us. I figured with everything that's been happening you wouldn't want a big party." She adds. I don't think I would want a big party either way. I'm not really friends with anyone except them. I have acquaintances but I only talk to them if I need to.

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