Chapter 1:

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Hours passed and Anna stood up seeing a doctor coming towards them. "Family of Y/N's?" Anna nods as Asha and Lucas stand up. Jake sound to sleep. "The kid's a fighter, but I'm so sorry. She didn't make it." Anna stood and stared at the doctor. Asha broke down into her husband's arms feeling everything become numb. Lucas stayed strong comforting Asha. "I'm very sorry." The doctor walked away as Anna walked to where she saw him come from.

She walked right through the door to see Y/N's body laying lifeless and pale. She walked over tears slipping down her cheeks, every step she got closer. Anna grabbed Y/N's hand and held it in her own, placing a kiss upon it.

"I'm sorry, kid," Anna whispered. "I wish this was me instead of you. You don't deserve to be dead. You had so much more life to live for." Anna dropped her head closing her eyes, sniffing as she wasn't able to stop the tears from coming out. "I love you, Y/N. Even if you put injections in me. I still love you for helping me. Goodbye my dear. You'll never be forgotten." Anna bent down closing her eyes as she kissed the top of the young girl's head. Her soft lips coming in contact, she felt tears fall off of her cheeks onto the small child. Anna picked her head up and opened her eyes, keeping a hold of the child's hand, not daring to let go.  

"These injections made us stronger. Be free butterfly. I'll see you in heaven one day," Anna whispered letting go of the lifeless girl's hand walking out of the room, not daring to look back.  


"Anna! Anna!" The paparazzi shouted as Anna kept her head down with her sunglasses on. Security surrounded Anna. It had increased since Anna went missing. Anna glanced up to see a little girl with Anna's face on the girl's shirt. She stopped and bent down giving the small girl a smile. The girl's tiny arms wrapped around Anna and they looked to the girl's mom to take a picture. Anna stood back up and continued to walk, climbing into the car.

"Hey A," a familiar voice spoke. Anna turned her head to find her ginger haired friend.

"Oh my god, Brittany!" She exclaimed embracing the ginger into a hug. The two hugged for a long time till Brittany pulled away and carefully took Anna's sunglasses off the tiny girl's face. Brittany stared into Anna's blue, teary eyes and bit her lip.

"You doing alright?" Brittany asks. Anna leans back into her seat shaking her head yes. "You're probably sick of hearing that right?" Anna nods her head up and down. "Sorry, just haven't be able to ask it."

"It's fine," Anna replied looking out the window. "What are you doing here?"

"You were kidnapped Anna. Why wouldn't I come?" Brittany looked at Anna waiting for her to turn her head. "Don't block me out. Don't be Beca Mitchell." Anna turned her head, taking a glance at Brittany's eyes.

"I miss her," Anna whispers. Brittany nods and scoots closer to Anna. "I miss that damn kid."

"You love her Anna. It's okay to miss her." Brittany pulls Anna into a hug and keeps her close. "Look, when we get to your apartment why don't we get some Taco Bell. I hear they deliver now and we can watch movies." Anna slowly nods her head shutting her eyes a moment. The car comes to a stop and Anna and Brittany climb out. They walk up to Anna's floor and the brunette opens the door. Brittany walks in and sets her bag down. She pulls her phone out going to the Taco Bell website.

Anna, on the other hand sets her stuff down and slips off her shoes. She rubs her eyes and walks to the couch. She plops down and stretches. "Alright, they should be here in about 15-20 minutes," Brittany speaks taking a seat. Anna's head nods as she sits up. Brittany grabs her arm, causing Anna to look at her friend.


"Have you slept?" Brittany questioned, concern written all over her face. Anna looked away, breaking the eye contact the two had held. The tiny brunette shook her head no. "Anna, you need-"

"I know," Anna spoke cutting the ginger off. "I just can't."

"Why?" Anna shuts her eyes rubbing them with her thumbs. "Anna talk to me. You can trust me."

"Every time I try to go to sleep... I have nightmares," the girl pauses then continues. "The nightmare is the same thing every time. Y/N being shot four times. The light in her eyes...vanish. How am I supposed to sleep while that keeps playing inside my mind?" Brittany quickly wraps her arms around the tiny girl.

"I'm so sorry Kendrick." Brittany pulled away. The two of them locking eyes. "I'm going to stay a couple days and help you sleep. Okay? I want you to be okay." Anna's head nods up and down. "Now, what do you want to watch while we wait on some tacos?"

"Turn on Pitch Perfect or something." Anna gives a small smile as Brittany nods turning on the first pitch perfect movie. 

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