Chapter 10: Lexi's Past

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"So you saw Y/N again?" Lexi asked, laying down on her forearm. Anna's eyes dropped to the bed, avoiding eye contact at all cost. Lexi's pale hand reached out, landing on Anna's knee. "It's okay, you know? She just...died."

"She told me to stop," Anna whispered picking her head up, wiping the tears trickling down her face. Lexi's head tilted. "To stop attacking you."

"Smart girl," Lexi chuckled. Anna's eyes landed back on Lexi's shaking her head. "Sorry. But you know that's just your brain. Playing tricks on you." The tiny brunette nods her head dropping her gaze again. "I went through the same thing."

"What?" Anna asked, her head picking up. "You never said anything in group..."

"Yeah's not the reason I'm here...this time..." The 17 year old girl's voice trails off. The tiny brunette shifts in the bed keeping her eyes fixed on the young girl. Lexi removes her hand from the brunette's leg and pushes herself up, making it to where she's now sitting criss cross.

"You've been here before?" Lexi nods her head biting her lip.

"I've been here 2 other times. This time and another time for trying to kill myself and harm my father while the other one was seeing my dead baby sister." Anna's eyes widened and her face softened while Lexi relaxed her position. "So I get what you're going through. Feeling her, bring able to hear and touch her. Seeing her when alone. I get it."

"Wow," Anna mumbled not knowing what to say. Lexi nodded her head reaching over and grabbing Anna's hands, holding them in her own.

"But I don't see her anymore," Lexi paused. "I knew I had to let her go, so I did and it took time but I know she's in a better place." A small smile inched onto the girl's lips. "And I always see her smile, anytime she's in my dreams or I talk about her. I miss her."

"W-What happened to her? If you don't mind me asking" Anna kept her voice low as she asked. Lexi shook her head.

"It's okay-" the girl paused rubbing a hand through her hair only to reveal a scar. Anna tilted her head noticing the long mark on the girl's head. "We were in a car crash. My father was driving and next thing I know I woke up seeing blood splattered against the window where my little sister sat."

"Jesus..." Lexi nodded her head, never looking away.

"I tried so hard to get to her and help her but there was a piece of glass lodged into my head. Paramedics said it was a miracle for me to be alive." Silence fell between the two as Anna glanced Lexi up and down. Lexi put her hand down, her hair falling back over the scar. Anna however reached her hand up, revealing it once again. The two stay in silence as Anna's fingertips trace over the scar, finally locking with Lexi's eyes.

"You're so strong," Anna whispers. "Especially for a seventeen year old, you are so strong Lex." With those words Lexi leaned forwards wrapping her arms around Anna, beginning to cry silently. Anna leans into Lexi, holding her closely looking down to the bed a moment then back up to meet Y/N's Y/E/C eyes. Y/N stays leaned against the wall with her arms crossed with a small smile to her lips and gives Anna a simple nod. A small smile spreads against Anna's lips as she looks away.

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