Chapter 9: Therapy

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1 week later

"I wanted to die. I wrote a letter and told the one person who loved me endlessly what I was going to do. But she got to me before I could," a blonde haired woman spoke. Anna's eyes remained on the ground as the blonde haired lady kept telling her story. But Anna wanted to get up and leave. She knew what these things do to you.

"Thank you Kelly," the head leader spoke, slipping on her glasses. Her eyes roamed the room as Anna glanced up locking direct eye contact. "Anna, why don't you go dear?"

"Why?" Anna asked, sitting up straighter. "I mean I'm just going to repeat what I said two days ago. What's the point?"

"Anna, we're here to listen and help you," the woman spoke, slipping off her glasses, keeping her brown eyes on Anna's deep blue ones. Anna shook her head side to side and ran a hand through her head.

"I don't need help." Anna stood. "This is stupid. I get most of you guys need help, like really need someone. But I'm fine."

"Anna, you're not fine!" One of the ladies spoke out. Anna's eyes locked with a girl who seemed about 17 maybe 18. "You just told us, two days ago how you've been seeing Y/N. She's gone, Anna."

"NO SHE ISN'T!" Anna shouted walking towards the young girl. The young girl stood. "I can see her, I can feel her."

"It's your imagination Anna. That's all it is," the girl spoke, standing with her head held high.

"Anna, Lexi that's enough," the leader spoke, but Lexi shook her head, moving her black colored hair out of her face. Her green eyes beamed down onto Anna's dark deep blue ones.

"You watched her get shot. You saw the life leave her eyes and you saw her dead body in the morgue. You went to her fucking funeral. She's dead, gone. Move on." With those words Anna immediately runs into the car, making them back land onto the ground. The surrounding peers got up and stood there as Anna and Lexi wrestled on the ground. The tiny brunette soon sat on Lexi's stomach and went to punch her when a voice whispered in her ear.

"Anna, stop," it whispered. Anna froze and turned her head slightly to lock eyes with Y/E/C eyes. "Don't do this."

"Y-Y_Y/N?" Anna whispered, before feeling herself thrown to the right and pushed down to the ground hard. Lexi now on top, while Anna tried to fight back. Lexi quickly swung a punch attacking the actress in the face. Anna's head flew to the right blood flying from her mouth.

"That's enough!" A person shouted, as a weight was lifted off of Anna's tiny body. Anna laid there for a moment till she felt someone help her sit up. It was the blonde haired lady who tried to kill herself, Kelly.

"Lexi, Anna you're coming with me," the voice spoke again. Anna's eyes looked over to see a security guard holding Kelly while the head, head person stood beside walking towards Anna. He came towards Anna and gently took her arm and guided her out of the room. "Ms. London, continue the session!"

They headed down the long narrow halls with one window on the left hand side. That was the only thing connecting the people inside and the outside. Anna looked out the window as she passed it, feeling the warm sun hit her skin, but was quickly torn from that. Soon the two were put into the main office. The headmaster lets them go in and tells them to take a seat. "I'll be right back," he speaks, shutting the door. Lexi walks over and takes a seat in one of the chairs, while Anna takes a moment looking around.

"You know I didn't want to attack you like that Anna," Lexi spoke after a few seconds. Anna's eyes looked away from the walls and walked over, taking a seat in the empty chair next to Lexi. "I just wanted you to see what this girl was doing to you."

"I've been in her 4 times now," Anna whispered looking away from the girl. Lexi's eyes widened and her head tilts. "Four times because I don't want help so I picked a fight with everybody."

"Anna, everyone's trying for you. The people who run this place, people who were admitted. We're all here for you," Lexi speaks, leaning over and grabbing Anna's hand. She squeezes it causing Anna to jump a bit. "Look I know you haven't told the group but I can see the scar on your arm." The tiny brunette looked down seeing the scar she had from trying to kill herself. "It's okay, you know. That's why most of us are here and in that group with Ms.London."

"Shit," Anna mumbled pulling her arm away slightly.

"Don't do that," Lexi pauses grabbing Anna's tiny arm back. "I may be 17, but I'm pretty smart when it comes to this type of stuff. Let me help you in our room, please." Anna bites her lip and looks to the ground. Moments of silence fills the room until Anna picks her head up and locks her eyes with the black haired girl.

"Fine. As long as you tell me why you're here." Anna waited a moment as the 17 year old girl nodded her head. As she went to speak though, the door opened and in came the headmaster.

"Alright you two what's going on?" He asked, taking a seat in his office chair. Lexi and Anna both lock eyes then look back to the headmaster.

"It was a misunderstanding," both girls said, looking back at one another.

"Hm I see," headmaster spoke, sighing softly. "Anna you've been here...4 times now. You gotta stop with the fighting."

"I know," Anna mumbled. The headmaster nodded as Anna looked to the ground.

"Alright, I won't punish your girls this time, but next time you're both getting some type of punishment." Both girls nod standing. "Go back to your room and we'll see you at breakfast." The two girls nod head towards the door and opening it up. Outside the door stand two guards awaiting Anna and Lexi. They shofer the girls back to their rooms where they walk in and Anna heads straight for her bed. While Lexi takes a moment before walking over plopping down on the young actresses bed as well.

"So you saw Y/N again?" Lexi asked.

Goodbye {Sequel to Injections/ Anna Kendrick x You}Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora