Chapter Two

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•Chapter Two•
*Alexanders POV*

I put the last small box of my stuff in my new room. This apartment has a similar structure to Ethan's old and new apartments. A bedroom, bathroom, kitchen and living room downstairs with a bedroom and bathroom upstairs in a loft type area. I had to walk two blocks, multiple times due to refusing to let August and Ethan help me. The two of them were at work anyways. I started the second they left for work.

"Time to start unpacking I suppose." I mumble to myself, looking at a my suit cases and boxes.

I start with typical bedroom stuff like the bed sheets and comforter. Thankfully, the apartment came furnished. Sure, more expensive but in the end it's much easier on my part. I may have loads of money but I'm not a dick.

After putting on some music to help occupy time, I go back to unpacking. I don't make the bed right away but instead just pull out the folded comforter, pillow cases and bed sheets and just set them on the mattress. Moving onto clothing, I put them away in a dresser to the side. Making a mental note that I need to go shopping later for a two pillows and more clothing.

** Time Skip (i don't think you want me to play out every single thing he's putting away) **

Within two hours I have everything set up. I look down at the shopping list I made in my phone's notes. Food, clothing, pillows, any decorations along the way. The apartment comes with wifi and a tv. The bill for this apartment is likely to be quite expensive.

Where do I even go shopping? I don't have a car, yet. I don't know the area well. I can't get pillows at the local grocery store just a block down. I could order online and have express shipping but that would mean no pillows tonight. Am I willing to sacrifice one night of pain to avoid walking all over until I get a car?

I sigh and come to the conclusion it is easier. Going between Amazon, Nike, Under Armour, Supreme and MANY other websites, I order a lot of things. Certainly many outfits and a couple pairs of shoes to go between the outfits. I even went to some other websites to order a couple tuxedo's in case something comes up. I managed to buy some pillows and decor for around the house.

Slipping on my shoes and tucking my key into my pocket, I walk out the door and make sure the apartment is locked. Heading out of the building I notice rain is trickling down on me. Great.. But instead of moving I stand here for a second. Rain is so peaceful. Maybe not to walk in, but if I were inside with a good book and some tea. If I get back and it's still lightly raining, maybe I could do that.

I pull out my phone and look on maps for the closest grocery store. A block away. Delightful. I start walking in the direction it tells, and I look around. Might as well get used to my surroundings, right? I watch the map as I walk where it tells me to.

I collide with something but it quickly ends up moving out of my way and I hear a yelp in the process. I look up to find a woman sitting on the ground, looking down at herself.

"I'm sorry." I say as I hold out a hand to help her up.

She takes my hand and I pull her up.

"It's okay. It's not everyday I can walk into someone attractive." She laughs gently and smiles.

I smile back at her. Straightforward.

"I'm Alexander." I say after a few moments of silence and no movement.

"Nadine, nice to meet you Alex."

I tilt my head slightly, looking her over. She's a petite girl, and she has very long dark brown hair. It falls down her back, all the way to her waist. She's fairly tan, it seems natural, not a spray tan or even her sitting out in the sun. But not a tan that hides the slight pink in her cheeks. She has doe eyes, that are a soft chocolate colour.

"Are you done yet?" She laughs, crossing her arms.

"Sorry." I say and rub the back of my neck slightly. I've never gotten caught checking someone out.

"We're going to be soaked if we continue standing here, where were you heading?" Nadine asks.

"The store. I just moved here recently and got a new apartment today." I pause realising I'm talking more than necessary. "You?"

"Just went for a walk. Needed fresh air from.. family issues. Want company in the store?"

I smile "That'd be nice."

We begin the walk to the store.

"Where are you from?" She asks.

"Seattle, Washington."

"Oh man. Why come here then? Baltimore. Maryland in general!" Nadine looks at me, surprised.

"It will sound stupid." A look down at my feet.

"Oh come on, tell me." She pushes into me lightly.

"Over a guy. He-" I get cut off.

"You're gay?" She asks, blushing.

"No! I mean. I don't know. I like girls, definitely. But there's something about him?" I mumble the last sentence. Admitting some feelings for Ethan to someone is strange.

"Oh jesus. I thought I was trying to flirt with a gay guy. I was about to apologise a bunch." She laughs.

I look up to find out we arrived. Finally.

"So. What do you want to start with?" She asks as we walk in, the warm air blows into our faces. She quickly grabs a cart and pushes it while we slowly walk.

"Uh.. Probably main things like pasta?" I say. Though I suddenly remembered I need to find a new blood supply. I could steal some from a local hospital. Run in and out before anyone even noticed.

"Right this way." Nadine begins guiding me through aisles before landing on one full of all different kinds of pasta.

I begin grabbing different kinda of pasta and throw them into the cart.

"Did you grow up here?" I ask while I just begin weaving through aisles.

"No. Well kind of. I was born, and kind of raised, in Albany, New York. But when I was sixteen my father emancipated me because he didn't want to deal with me anymore. I came to Maryland to try and live with my mother but it didn't turn out well. Thankfully I met some very nice people and they let me move in with them. Been living here, with them, since."

I look at her, shocked.

"Too much?" She asks and looks away.

"Not at all. I'm sorry.." I give her a soft, sincere smile.

We continue our shopping journey and slowly getting to know each other. Maybe Nadine is my first friend. And maybe she can help me.

**A/N Hey sorry for taking SO long. Had to deal with school and friends. A lot of family issues currently. It's been a mess. But good new is, I updated !! Alexander made a friendd ! Nadine is actually one of my favourite names right now so yay **

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