Chapter Eleven

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•Chapter Eleven•
*Alexs POV*

As I walk around through town, I mumble incoherent words of frustration.

"Why is he so blind?"

"Why does he have to be so stupid?"

I decide to take a break and stop at a diner I had loved going to, before I met Ethan. This is where I would always run, away from my father, my family or all my problems in general. My mom will know where I am, Ethan won't. After I met Ethan it's like my world revolved so much around him, I forgot I had a favorite place. 

I walk in, being greeted by the warmth and the smell of coffee. I go to the counter that sits up front, and take a seat on a stool.

"Alexander Pierce where the hell have you been!" Isabella walks up to me, scowling.

"Here. There. Everywhere." I wave my hand dismissively.

"Come visit more often, I was worried something had happened to you." She frowns

"I will try for the few days I'm here. But then I leave again. I left town, Iz." I find myself frowning too, realizing I've missed her.

"But why. I miss you." 

"It's complicated Iz." I give her my pleading eyes.

"It's a boy isn't it." She puts her elbows on the counter, looking at me.

"I- What? You.. you knew I was into guys?" 

"Oh god, Alex. Yes! I tried making so many moves on you in high school and you never realized. But Isaac would try to make moves and you'd be all flustered." She rolls her eyes.

Even I don't remember that. 

"Fine. Yes, it is a boy." 

"What's his name." She smiles.

"Izzy, you have work to do. Can't we discuss this another time!" I huff.

"Fine. What will you have." Iz gives me a small smile.

"My usual." 

Isabella has been working at this diner for the past few years. We actually worked together. I attended public school between the ages of six and seventeen. Isabella was in my grade. At fourteen I was able to get a job here. Sure I would just wash dishes, sweep floors or wipe down counters but it was still a way for me to make money. Soon after, Isabella joined in too. We had a lot of fun and bonded. But I dropped from school due to all the family issues we had back home. Of course, I still came here often. Isabella kept her job here, and clearly still remains. I swear she will die here. 

I focus my eyes back on the world around me, realizing I had zoned out.

"Your usual." Isabella comes up to me and sets my plate down before walking away.

I was about to start digging into my lovely pancakes when I'm interrupted by a hand on my shoulder. I turn to look at the person who interrupted me while eating. I mean, who does that! Sadly, it's the person I don't want to see right now.

"Why are you here." I look away and focus on my pancakes.

"Your mom told me you'd be here." He speaks up, remaining behind me.

"Okay. Again, why are you here." 

"Alex, don't be dismissive towards me." I hear his sigh.

"Well, Ethan. How am I supposed to be? Nadine is just my friend but there you were getting all worked up that I was texting her. I can smile at my phone, you know? What if she sent me a meme, huh? Ever think of that? No. You can smile at your phone or talk all lovey about August but the second I do something similar you get all pissy and jealous." I fire out, my anger that I let build up finally releasing.

"Alex. I wasn't jealous. I mean I was but not in the way you think. I'm jealous because she's stealing my best friend." He looks down.

I soften at his words and turn to look at him. "She isn't stealing me, E. We're still going to be best friends. You know I love you." I stop but instantly realize what he may take my words as. "As I friend." I say quickly.

"I love you too, as a friend." He smiles.

I stand up to give him a quick hug before sitting back down, him taking a seat beside me.

"Can I eat now, please." I whine.

He laughs. "Only if I can get some food too." 

"Izzy!" I yell.

"Jesus Christ what do you want you ungrateful ass-" She stops once she sees a smiling Ethan beside me. "Is this the boy you-"

"Moved to another state for because we are best friends?  Yes, Isabella, it is!" I cut in quickly.

She smirks at me before looking back at him. "What can I get you?" 

"Whatever he has." Ethan looks at my plate before looking back at her.

"Great." She smiles and leaves us alone.

"You know her?" Ethan turns to me.

"Yeah, went to school together." I mumble before shoving a fork full of pancake in my mouth.

"She knows young Alex? Oh my god I need to hear stories!" 

"Or, we could not talk about it." I roll my eyes.

Ethan just smiles at that, as Izzy brings out his food. We all talk briefly, Isabella going back and forth between doing her job and talking with us. I'm glad Ethan and I made up but it's still sad he is so blind to everything August is doing behind his back. I wish I could tell him, I really do. But for now it's a secret.


This was just a filler chapter which is why it is so short! I needed to get out why Alex was mad and what all is happening. Next chapter I will start working on right now but I have no promises as to when it will be up.

Do you think Isabella is an important character?


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